We are glad to announce that the Sociedad de Estudios Hegelianos, with the Chilean-German Cultural Corporation of Valparaiso, is organizing the fifth series of online talks on Hegelian topics, which will take place on Facebook and will be broadcast later on YouTube. The talks will be held in November, 2020.
This is the program of the event:
05/11 Antonio Gomez-Ramos, Università Carlo III di Madrid, Spagna.
10/11 Marloren Miranda, Università Federale di Goiás, Brasile
17/11 Terry Pinkard, Georgetown University a Washington DC, USA
24/11 Young Woo Kwon, Università di Studi Esteri di Hankuk, Corea del Sur.
27/11 Zaida Olvera, Università Autonoma dello stato del Messico.
The talks will be broadcast on the Facebook page of the Sociedad de Estudios Hegelianos.
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