
Workshop: “Hegel’s Logic and His System” (Oxford, 20th June 2017)

We are glad to announce the workshop Hegel’s Logic and His System, which will take place at St. John’s College (University of Oxford) on June 20, 2017.

Anglophone work on Hegel is increasingly shifting its attention from the Phenomenology of Spirit to the definitive statement of Hegelian philosophy in the Science of Logic. This workshop brings together scholars seeking to connect the Logic to other moments in the Hegelian System, and to the history of modern thought more generally.

11:00-11:15     Registration, tea/coffee

11:15-11:30     Introduction
11:30-12:30     Gene Flenady (Monash University/ University of Warwick): 
Intellectual Intuition in Hegel’s Science of Logic

12:30-12.45     Tea/coffee

12:45-13:45     Dr Christoph Schuringa (New College of the Humanities): Life in the Logic

13:45-14:45     Lunch

14:45-15:45     Dr David C. Merrill (recently University of Hertfordshire): Hegel’s Logic and the Philosophy of Capital

15:45-16:45     Susanne Herrmann-Sinai (Universitat Leipzig/ University  of Oxford): Music and the Logic of Spirit

16:45-17.00     Tea/ coffee

17:00-18.00     Dr Gareth Polmeer (Royal College of Art): Intuition, Images and Appearance in the Logic


Participation is free but registration is required. To register please contact Dr David Merrill at

Funding gratefully received from the Hegel Society of Great Britain (


Gene Flenady – Intellectual Intuition in Hegel’s Science of Logic

Abstract: Hegel’s deployment of the Kantian and post-Kantian doctrines of “Intellectual Intuition” is usually understood to belong only to Hegel’s early Schellingean writings. This paper seeks to show that Kant’s discussion of intellectual intuition in ss. 76-77 of the third Critique, if read through the account of “thoroughgoing determination” in the first Critique, is a key source for the account of determinacy presented in the first two chapters of Hegel’s Science of Logic.                                                                                      

Bio: Doctoral candidate at Monash University and The University of Warwick.  Gene’s doctoral research concerns the relation between logical and objective determination in Kant and Hegel. His other research interests include the reception of Hegelian philosophy in French post-structuralism, and contemporary soft naturalist accounts of normativity.

Dr Christoph Schuringa – Life in the Logic

Abstract: The paper gives a preliminary exposition of the place of Life in the Logic, and goes on to relate this to some puzzles over how its placement is to be understood in relation to the discussion of vegetable, animal, and spirited life in the Realphilosophie

Bio: Lecturer in Philosophy at New College of the Humanities, London, recently a visiting scholar at the University of Pittsburgh, and co-editor, with Alison Stone, of the Hegel Society of Great Britain’s Hegel Bulletin.

Dr David C. Merrill – Hegel’s Logic and the Philosophy of Capital

Abstract: What Hegel has to say about the constitution of true thinking in his Science of Logic constitute norms philosophy not about logic will nonetheless want and have to satisfy.  The paper will reveal for the philosophy of capital how the stages of the argument of the Science of Logic are recreated even though this philosophy is not about logic per se. The paper is based on the philosophy of capital Richard Winfield presents in his Rethinking Capital (2016). Winfield’s text as well as being a landmark in Marx scholarship is a philosophical reconstruction of Marx’s mature economic writings in a manner animated by Hegel’s philosophy of logic and so lends itself to the paper’s project.                                                 

Bio: Recently visiting lecturer, University of Hertfordshire, long time tutor for visiting student programmes in Oxford, treasurer of the Hegel Society of Great Britain.

Susanne Herrmann-Sinai – Music and the Logic of Spirit

Abstract: The complex structure of Hegel’s notion of Spirit can only be understood by taking into account its dependence on the Logic. In this paper, parts of this dependence are set out with respect to the examples of ‘sounds’ and ‘music’ and the question, how we talk about them.

Bio: Doctoral candidate at Universität Leipzig and Associate Faculty Member, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford, co-editor with Lucia Ziglioli of Hegel’s Philosophical Psychology – Routledge Studies in Nineteenth Century Philosophy (2016).

Dr Gareth Polmeer – Intuition, Images and Appearance in the Logic

Abstract: This paper considers two aspects of Hegel’s philosophy and system in connection to the work of Stanley Rosen. Rosen’s critiques of Hegel and broader writing frame important questions for speculative logic. The first area is the critique of intellectual intuition and  the second, the question of appearance, origin al and copy. The paper interco nnects these areas in the ontological debates on the identity of being and thinking, time and eternity, and the dynamics of appearance and essence in the Science of Logic, referring closely to the connections made by both Hegel and other commentators on the relation between philosophy and art.

Bio: Lectures in humanities at the Royal College of Art, London. An artist and writer, exhibiting works internationally, publishing and speaking widely on aesthetics and philosophy.

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