
Workshop: Concepts, Intuitions and ‘Manifest Reality’ (September 11th-12th, Padova)

We are glad to announce that an international workshop entitled Concepts, Intuitions and ‘Manifest Reality’ will take place on September 11th-12th, 2017, at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Pedagogy and Applied Psychology (FISPPA) of the University of Padova (Palazzo Liviano, Sala Diano).

The workshop will be devoted to the recent volume “Manifest Reality: Kant’s Realism and his Idealism” by Lucy Allais and the aim is to discuss two crucial problems in the interpretation of Kant’s philosophy, namely the relation between idealism and realism and the problem of non-conceptual contents, through the reference to Allais’ book.

The event is organized by the PhD Seminar “Letture Kantiane” of the University of Padova, in collaboration with the Società Italiana di Studi Kantiani.

Here, you can download the flyer or the complete program of the workshop.


Monday, September 11th

Session I: Chair Gabriele Tomasi

9.30: Welcome: Francesca Menegoni (Coordinator of the PhD Program in Philosophy), Gabriele Tomasi (Coordinator of the Kantian Seminar)

10.00: Lucy Allais (UC San Diego): The Compatibility of Kantian Determinism with an Open Future

11.30: break

11.45: Anna Tomaszewska (JU Krakow): The Theological Motivations of Kant’s
Transcendental Idealism

Session II: Chair Davide Dalla Rosa

14.30: Anselmo Aportone (Università di Roma Tor Vergata): Sintesi estetica e facoltà cognitive

15.45: break

16.00: Sabrina Bauer (Universität Heidelberg): Die Unerkennbarkeit der Dinge an sich im transzendentalen Idealismus

16.45: Lorenzo Cammi (Università di Verona): The Thing in Itself as the Thing Full of Powers. A Dispositional Interpretation


Tuesday, September 12th

Session III: Chair Anselmo Aportone

9.30: Dietmar Heidemann (Université du Luxembourg): Non-Conceptualism and Aesthetic Cognition in Kant

10.45: break

11.00: Barbara Santini (Università di Padova): Regel der Synthese und Gegenstandsbezug mit Rücksicht auf die Analytik der Grundsätze

11.45: Luigi Filieri (Università di Pisa): Intuitive Synthesis and Conceptual Unity: Kant on the Synthetic Import of Sensibility

Session IV: Chair Elena Tripaldi

14.30: Sebastian Rödl (Universität Leipzig): Kant’s Indirect Proof of Transcendental Idealism

15.45: break

16.00: Manja Kisner (LMU München): Kant’s Twofold Conception of the Transcendental Idealism

16.45: Gregorio Demarchi (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena): Kants Kritik am Prinzip der Identität der Ununterscheidbaren


Organising Committee:

Gabriele Tomasi:

Elena Tripaldi:

Davide dalla Rosa:

Barbara Santini:

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