
CFP: “Aesthetics” (Kant Yearbook N. 10, 2018)

We are glad to announce the call for papers for the tenth issue of the Kant Yearbook in 2018 dedicated to the topic “Aesthetics”.
Please find below the text of the call:


The Kant Yearbook is now accepting submissions for its eleventh issue in 2018. The Kant Yearbook is an international journal that publishes articles on the philosophy of Immanuel Kant. It is the Kant Yearbook’s goal to intensify innovative research on Kant on the international scale. For that reason the Kant Yearbook prefers to publish articles in English, however articles in German will also be considered. Each issue is dedicated to a specific topic. The tenth issue’s topic is


All papers discussing Kant’s aesthetics from a historical, systematic and/or contemporary perspective are welcome. The Kant Yearbook practices double-blind review, i.e. the reviewers are not aware of the identity of a manuscript’s author, and the author is not aware of the reviewers’ identity. Submitted manuscripts must be anonymous; that is the authors’ names and references to their work capable of identifying them are not to appear in the manuscript.
Detailed instructions and author guidelines are available at (
For further information contact the editor or the publisher Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York (
Paper submissions should go to Deadline for submission is: August 15, 2018

Editor: Dietmar H. Heidemann (University of Luxembourg). Editorial Board: Henry E. Allison (University of California at Davis), Karl Ameriks (Notre Dame), Gordon Brittan (Montana State University), Klaus Düsing (University of Cologne), Corey Dyck (University of Western Ontario), Daniel O. Dahlstrom (Boston University), Kristina Engelhard (University of Cologne), Hannah Ginsborg (University of California at Berkeley), Michelle Grier (University of San Diego), Terry Godlove (Hofstra University), Thomas Grundmann (University of Cologne), Paul Guyer (Brown University), Robert Hanna (independent), Lothar Kreimendahl (University of Mannheim), Georg Mohr (University of Bremen), Angelica Nuzzo (Brooklyn College/CUNY), Robert Stern (Sheffield University), Dieter Sturma (University of Bonn), Jens Timmermann (St Andrews), Robert Theis (University of Luxembourg), Ken Westphal (Boğaziçi Üniversitesi), Marcus Willaschek (University of Frankfurt). Publisher: De Gruyter Berlin/Boston

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