
CFP: «The Nature of Freedom and the Freedom of Nature», United Kingdom Kant Society Annual Conference 2018 (September 6-7 2018, Cardiff University)

We are glad to announce that a Call for Papers on «The Nature of Freedom and the Freedom of Nature» for the United Kingdom Kant Society Annual Conference 2018 is open. The congress will be held at Cardiff University on September 6-7, 2018.


The conference will bring together contemporary research into the various aspects of freedom and nature in Kant’s philosophy including: its significance for contemporary philosophy; the context and/or reception of Kant’s account of freedom and/or nature; the importance of freedom and/or nature for other aspects of Kant’s philosophy.

The separation of freedom and nature is one of the most distinctive elements of Kant’s mature philosophy. In the 3rd Critique Kant describes freedom and nature as belonging to different domains, any connection between them is limited to the power of judgment that cannot produce constitutive knowledge of its objects. The relation between freedom and nature is essential for understanding Kant’s broader philosophical projects including (but not limited to): aesthetic and teleological judgments, political philosophy, philosophy of science, metaphysics, and anthropology. Moreover, the differences between the structure and orientation of critical idealism and contemporary philosophy has produced a variety of interpretations. On the one hand, a sympathetic interpretation of Kant’s philosophy might argue for the need to return to Kantian foundations as a way of clarifying issues in contemporary philosophy. Alternatively, these different foundations could be considered as justification for insurmountable differences between critical idealism and contemporary philosophy.


Keynote Speakers:

Dr. Angela Breitenbach (University of Cambridge)

Dr. Katerina Deligiorgi (University of Sussex)

Invited speakers:

Professor Desmond Hogan (Princeton University)

Professor Clive Cazeaux (Cardiff Metropolitan University)



We welcome submissions from any topic relating to Kant’s philosophy, but please see below for some suggested topics:

·         The relationship between freedom and nature in Kant’s philosophy:

o   The compatibility or incompatibility of Kant’s account of freedom and nature.

o   The role of judgment for freedom and nature.

o   The significance of freedom and nature for other aspects of Kant’s philosophy.


·         The emergence of Kant’s conception of freedom and nature:

o   The relation between Kant’s critical and pre-critical philosophy.

o   The influence of Kant’s predecessors on his philosophy.

o   The scientific, historical, and political context of Kant’s philosophy.


·         The impact of Kant’s account of freedom and nature:

o   Kant’s and Post-Kantian/Neo-Kantian philosophy.

o   Romanticism and Enlightenment philosophy.

o   The reception of transcendental idealism.


·         Kant and contemporary philosophy:

o   The compatibility of Kant’s account of freedom and nature in contemporary philosophy.

o   Kant and the philosophy of science.

o   Kant and political philosophy.




Please submit proposals of no more than 800 words to by April 1st, 2018. Please upload submissions as a pdf attachment and ensure submissions are anonymous. In addition, please complete this form (submissions will not be considered unless this is completed).

We aim to notify applicants of reviewer’s decisions by May 31st, 2018.

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