
Course: Robert B. Pippin on Hitchcock and Hegel (UIMP, Valencia, May 16th-18th)

We are pleased to inform that on May 16th, 17th and 18th Robert B. Pippin (University of Chicago) will give a course on Alfred Hitchcock’s philosophy and cinema at the UIMP in Valencia, with the title: “Hitchcock Philosopher. Robert B. Pippin’s cinematic philosophy”.

The first two days will be dedicated to the cinema and the thought of the English director, the third day will be dedicated specifically to Hegel’s thought.

On the first two evenings, the Filmoteca Valenciana will host two screenings of two Hitchcock movies, Shadow of a Doubt and Vertigo, for the occasion.

The course has been organized by Prof. Antonio Lastra.

For further information and the program of the three days, please visit this page.

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