
HPD – HOLIDAYS: S. Hrnjez, E. Nardelli “Is It Possible to Speak About a Hegelian Theory of Translation? On Hegel’s Übersetzungsbegriff and Some Paradigmatic Practices of Translation” (Verifiche, XLIX, 1-2, 2020)

We are happy to share the article written by Saša Hrnjez and Elena Nardelli, Is It Possible to Speak About a Hegelian Theory of Translation? On Hegel’s Übersetzungsbegriff and Some Paradigmatic Practices of Translation, published in the latest issue of “Verifiche” (XLIX, 1-2, 2020).

Here below you can find the abstract of the text:

In this text we attempt to reconstruct Hegel’s various usages of the concept of translation in his works to outline a possible theory of translation in the Hegelian framework. Hegel’s Übersetzungsbegriff will be set forth through the analysis of the most relevant paragraphs in his main writings and lectures. Some contemporary and historical translations of Hegel’s texts in different languages will be briefly examined.


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