
CFP: “Europe. Roots and perspectives on an idea starting from classical German philosophy” («Archivio di Filosofia» XC, 1/2022)

We are glad to announce the Call for Papers for the new issue of «Archivio di Filosofia» (XC, 1/2022). The issue, entitled Europe. Roots and perspectives on an idea starting from classical German philosophy will be edited by Francesco Campana, Elena Nardelli, Federica Pitillo, with the collaboration of Luca Illetterati, Andreas Schmidt, Pierluigi Valenza.

Texts can be presented in Italian, German, French, English, or Spanish; they must not exceed 40,000 characters (spaces and notes included); they must be sent by February 28, 2022 to the following e-mail addresses:,

Received texts will be evaluated according to the peer review process.

Below you can find the text of the call.


In the essay Europe and the future of the “sciences of the spirit”, Gadamer underlines how classical German philosophy profoundly shaped European consciousness, taking a fundamental step towards constituting the contemporary idea of ​​Europe. Trying to reconcile antiquity and modernity, tradition and revolution, metaphysics and science in a definitive synthesis, German Idealism, according to Gadamer, took up the task of understanding and actively influencing its own time. We find the topic of European identity in many works of the thinkers who lived around 1800: from Kant to Fichte, Novalis, and Hölderlin as well as the Schlegel brothers and Hegel. The fundamental theoretical point of these authors’ reflections lies not only in the idea of ​​a possible unity of Europe, but especially in the fact that this idea rises for the first time to the level of a philosophical problem. If, on the one hand, the theoretical positions of these thinkers remain closely linked to their own time in comparison to contemporary philosophical perspectives, on the other hand, the theoretical issues advanced by that philosophical season can become rich sources of reflection and can provide ideas and suggestions for facing the challenges of our time with a critical and autonomous gaze.

In order to examine this complex and wide topic, «Archivio di filosofia» aims to compare the reflections that some of the most important German thinkers (Kant, Fichte, Maimon, Schelling, Jacobi, Novalis, Hölderlin, Hegel etc.) have developed on European identity and some of the key issues at stake for the future of Europe today: from integration processes to the resurgence of nationalisms, from the renewed confrontation with other geopolitical realities to the transformations of a new industrial revolution. This approach allows us to rethink this philosophical tradition with greater originality while making possible an analysis that may be relevant for addressing some of the issues that characterize the contemporary world. In this sense, it is not only a matter of reconsidering the way the thinkers of German Idealism dealt with the topic of the European identity, but also of showing how they contributed to outlining the contemporary idea of ​​Europe, intertwining their reflections with current philosophical discourse. «Archivio di filosofia» therefore welcomes proposals for contributions that intend to elaborate a reformulation of the idea of ​​Europe in and from classical German philosophy according to four fundamental theoretical coordinates: a) universalism; b) tradition(s); c) modernity; d) freedom.




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