
Discussion with Berta M. Pérez, “Hegel’s Time: Between Tragic Action and Modern History” «Hegel Bulletin» 40 3/2019 (Padova, 10 May 2022)

Discussion with Berta M. Pérez, "Hegel's Time: Between Tragic Action and Modern History" «Hegel Bulletin» 40 3/2019 (Padova, 10 May 2022)

We are glad to give notice that the discussion of the article Hegel’s Time: Between Tragic Action and Modern History, by Berta M. Pérez («Hegel Bulletin» 40 3/2019) will take place on 10th May 2022, h. 16:30 (CEST) at the University of Padua, aula Diano, and online. Berta M. Pérez (Universitat de València) will discuss her article, awarded of a mention for the hegepd-prize 2021, with University of Padova Research Group on Classical German Philosophy. Participants will be Luca Illetterati, Francesco Campana, Giulia La Rocca, Silvia Locatelli.

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