
International conference: “Metametaphysics in German Idealism” (Freiburg, 23-24 June 2023)


We are glad to give notice of the International conference Metametaphysics in German Idealism. The conference will take place at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg (Wilhelmstr. 26, Hörsaal 00 006) on June 23rd-24th, 2023.

The event is organized by Robb Dunphy and Philipp Schwab, and it is funded by the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung and the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg

Remote participation via Zoom is also possible. To register, receive the Zoom link, and for any further information please write to

The full program of the event is available at this link.

Below you can find the general presentation and the list of the speakers of the International conference.


This conference is concerned with metametaphysical topics as they were addressed by Kant and the various German Idealist philosophers who followed him. Questions concerning the subject-matter, methodology, epistemology, and semantics of metaphysics are the subject of renewed interest from contemporary philosophers. There is also a fairly widespread willingness to engage with historical material, but despite this, the contributions of Classical German Philosophy have tended to go under-appreciated in contemporary work on metametaphysics. This conference aims to consider anew the distinctive metametaphysical positions developed by the German Idealists, as well as to see what they have to offer contemporary debates in this area.

Keynote speakers

Andrea Kern
James Kreines
Karin de Boer
Philipp Schwab

Chong-Fuk Lau
Jens Pier
Jelscha Schmid
G. Anthony Bruno
Leonard Weiss
Ana-Silvia Munte
Eliza Little
W. Clark Wolf
Peter Dews
Marcela García-Romero

For further information please visit the website of the event.

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