
News: New Vorstand of the Japanische Hegel-Gesellschaft

We are very glad to give notice of the renewal of the Vorstand of the Japanische Hegel-Gesellschaft.

The new President of the Vorstand is Taiju Okochi, while the other members of the Vorstand are Fukuko Abe, Kazuya Kawase, Yuko Kojima, Kiyoaki Mieno, Eiich Nojiri, Keiji Sayama, Kazunori Shimoda, Takao Sugita, Ayumi Takeshima, Yukiko Yamada, and Masao Yamawaki.

The Japanische Hegel-Gesellschaft was established in 2005 by the Hegel-Forschungskreis Tokyo (1986-2005).
The main aim of the Japanische Hegel-Gesellschaft is to promote research on Hegel’s philosophy and to foster and encourage exchange among researchers in Japan and abroad.
Furthermore, the Japanische Hegel-Gesellschaft is the editor of the Journal Studien zu Hegels Philosophie.

For the complete list of the members of the Vorstand, the Secretariat, and the Committees of the Japanische Hegel Gesellschaft (2023/24), please visit this link.

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