
Philosophischer Meisterkurs “Kant und die Religion” (München, 26th-28th February 2024)

We are glad to give notice of the Philosophischer Meisterkurs Kant und die Religion with Prof. Dr. Lawrence Pasternack (Oklahoma), which will find place on February 26th-28th, 2024, at the Katholische Akademie in Bayern.
The workshop is organized by Johannes Schießl (Katholische Akademie in Bayern) and Nikolai Parkin (HFPH), and directed by Prof. Dr. Georg Sans SJ.


The Hochschule für Philosophie München, in cooperation with the Katholischen Akademie in Bayern, is organizing a philosophical master class on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of Immanuel Kant’s birth.

The basis for discussion will be the upcoming book by Prof. Pasternack: “Restoring Kant´s conception of the Highest Good”. Advanced students of philosophy, up-and-coming scientists as well as PhD students will get the opportunity to discuss the Kantian conception of the Highest Good. The class will focus on the debate about a this- or otherworldly conception of the Highest Good. For this purpose the participants will read the texts that will form the basis for discussion in advance.

On the second evening of the course, Prof. Pasternack will give a public evening lecture on the topic “Practical Belief in God”. The lecture will examine the connection between the moral proof of God and Pascal’s wager.

The event will be held in English, as well as the evening lecture.


To apply for a place on the master course, please send us:
– a short curriculum vitae of no more than two pages and
– a one-page letter of motivation in which you convincingly explain your interest and suitability for the master class.

Please send your application materials to no later than January 8th, 2024.

Participation fee

The participation fee is €67, including dinner on Monday 26th February and lunch and dinner on Tuesday 27th February, as well as refreshments during the breaks. Vegetarian food is provided. There is an additional reduced rate of €76 per night for accommodation including breakfast. The double room costs €49 per person. Please also let us know in your application whether and how many nights you would like to stay at the Catholic Academy.

For further information, please visit the call website.


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