
Exhibition: “Kant24/Dare to Know!” (Ferrara, 19 March – 22 May 2024)


We are glad to give notice of the exhibition Kant24/Dare to know!, which will find place in Ferrara, March 19th – May 22nd, 2024.

The flyer with the program of the event is available at this link.


From 19 March to 22 May 2024, Ferrara will become a philosophical capital of Enlightenment in the year which marks the 300th anniversary of Immanuel Kant’s birth (Konigsberg 1724-1804), with the exhibition Kant24/Dare to know!

For the first time ever, the first editions of Kant’s major philosophical works will be on public display in Italy.

The exhibition (in Italian, English, and German) will shine light on the high-water marks of the European Enlightenment, with a particular emphasis upon events in the lives of Enlightenment philosophers and their place in popular culture.

The exhibition will be inaugurated with a stage performance (The Law and the Candle) on 19 March 2024 at 6:00 pm. The theatrical staging is the product of a workshop organised by the University Centre for Theatre in Ferrara and conducted by the Teatro dell’Argine from Bologna.

In the meantime, the public has an opportunity to get a feel for the Enlightenment on the University of Ferrara’s YouTube channel, where philosophers from all over the world explain a Kantian concept in their own language (with English subtitles).

Throughout the entire March to May period, a lecture series entitled Dare to Know! What is the point of still talking about Kant and the Enlightenment? will accompany the exhibition. The series is open to the public and dedicated, in particular, to high school and University of Ferrara students.

And if you’re still wondering: Why Kant in Ferrara? The answer is: Why not! According to Kant, we allhave reason, and it’s up to each and every one of us to have the courage to make use of it: let’s dare to know!

The exhibition will be open every day, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, at Palazzo Turchi di Bagno, Corso Ercole I d’Este 32, in Ferrara (opposite the Palazzo dei Diamanti) – free admission!

For further information, please contact

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