
Registration for Padova Philosophy Summer School, 12-23 September 2016 «Philosophical Controversies about Objectivity in Classical German Philosophy and Contemporary Analytic Philosophy»

We are pleased to announce that Padova Philosophy Summer School on «Philosophical Controversies about Objectivity in Classical German Philosophy and Contemporary Analytic Philosophy» will be held at University of Padova from 12th to 23rd of September 2016.

What is objectivity? And what is objective? How do we manage to disagree with each other if something is objectively there?
What’s more, how can we understand our mutual disagreement?
What happens when we disagree? How can we deal with disagreement?

The summer school «Philosophical Controversies about Objectivity» intends to offer an indepth understanding of some important philosophical disputes, both of the past and present, relating to objectivity as well as the necessary analytical tools for a critical investigation of these debates.


Andrea Altobrando (Hokkaido University)
Pierfrancesco Biasetti (University of Padua)
Elisa Caldarola (University of Padua)
Massimiliano Carrara (University of Padua)
Karin de Boer (KU Leuven)
Niklas Hebing (Rurh-Universität-Bochum)
Luca Illetterati (University of Padua)
Max Kölbel (University of Barcelona)
Teresa Marques (University Pompeu Fabra)
Vittorio Morato (University of Padua)
Sebastiano Moruzzi (University of Bologna)
Michele Palmira (University of Barcelona)
Marzia Soavi (University of Padua)
Gabriele Tomasi (University of Padua)
Whilhelm Vossenkuhl (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
Tomoyuki Yamada (Hokkaido University)

Organizers: Massimiliano Carrara, Andrea Altobrando
Scientifc Committee: M. Carrara, T. Yamada, L. Illetterati, A. Altobrando

Registration deadline: 31st of August 2016
Max. Participants: 40
Fees: None
Target Audience: All levels from Undergraduate to Post-Doc are welcome
Working language: English
Outcomes: The results of the afternoon workshops will be published on a dedicated web page
Summer school structure: During the frst two days, introductory classes on the topics of philosophical
disagreement and on the tools to analyze them shall be provided. From the third day on, there will be
morning classes on disputes concerning objectivity in specifc philosophical areas (ontology, metaphysics,
epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, philosophy of logic and language, etc.), and afternoon workshops, during
which the students will be required to analyze and discuss the disputes introduced during the morning

ECTS only for students of the Padua University: Participation in the Summer School gives 5 ECTS points.
For students from other universities: the FISPPA Department of the Padua University will provide you with a
certifcate of attendance on the condition that you are present for a minimum of 70% of the summer school
morning lectures, 50% of the afternoon workshops, and fll in an evaluation form at the end of the summer

Accommodation: We will help all participants to find accommodation in Padova (youth hostel, hotel rooms).
Participants will be responsible for meals. Internet and library access will be provided.
Side activities: Visits to the historical buildings of the University, to the Padua city center as well as to several
main monuments will be organized for all interested participants.

In collaboration with Hokkaido University, Faculty of Letters

For information and registration:
For further information please click on this link or visit Padova Summer School’s website

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