new releases

New Release: Alexander Schubert, “Phänomenologie des Zeitgeistes. Mit Hegel durchs 21. Jahrhundert” (Passagen, 2022)

Niccolò Sbolci // Mar 3, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Phänomenologie des Zeitgeistes. Mit Hegel durchs 21. Jahrhundert, …

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New Release: Alexander Schubert, “Der Strukturgedanke in Hegels »Wissenschaft der Logik«” (Eule der Minerva Verlag, 2021)

Giulia Bernard // Feb 28, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Der Strukturgedanke in Hegels »Wissenschaft der Logik« by Alexander …

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New Release: Lorenzo Mileti Nardo, “Forme della certezza. Genesi e implicazioni del Fürwahrhalten in Kant” (ETS, 2021)

Claudia Cavaliere // Feb 24, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the new book Forme della certezza. Genesi e implicazioni del Fürwahrhalten in Kant, by …

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New Release: Critical Review (Vol. 33, Issue 3-4, 2021): “Hegel’s Philosophy of Right After 200 Years”

Giulia Bernard // Feb 23, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the release of the new issue of Critical Review (Vol. 33, Issue 3-4, …

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New Release: Christoph König, Denis Thouard (eds.), “Goethe, le second auteur. Actualité d’un inactuel” (Hermann, 2022)

Niccolò Sbolci // Feb 19, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Goethe, le second auteur. Actualité d’un inactuel, edited …

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New Release: «Schelling-Studien» (No. 9, 2022)

Mattia Megli // Feb 16, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the new issue of «Schelling-Studien. Internationale Zeitschrift zur klassischen deutschen Philosophie» (No. 9, …

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New Release: «Verifiche» (L, 2/2021): “Feminist Metaphilosophy” (ed. by Valentina Bortolami and Giovanna Miolli)

hegelpd // Feb 15, 2022

We are very glad to announce the release of a new issue of «Verifiche. Rivista di scienze umane» (L, 2/2021) …

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New Release: «Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso» (No. 18, 2021): “Hegel en Diálogo/Hegel in Dialogue”

Annapaola Varaschin // Feb 11, 2022

We are pleased to give notice of the release of the latest issue of «Revista de Humanindades de Valparaíso» (No 18, 2021). …

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New Release: “Aisthesis. Pratiche, linguaggi e saperi dell’estetico” (Vol 14, No 2, 2021)

Giulia Bernard // Feb 9, 2022

We are pleased to give notice of the release of the latest issue of Aisthesis. Pratiche, linguaggi e saperi dell’estetico …

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New Release: «Lo Sguardo»: “Traiettorie di una mente multiforme. Leibniz e la sua eredità post-idealistica” (32, 1/2021)

Giulia La Rocca // Feb 8, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the new issue of «Lo Sguardo. Rivista di Filosofia»: Traiettorie di una mente …

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New Release: Marco Kleber, “Philosophieren mit Hegel” (Thelem, 2021)

Giovanna Luciano // Feb 3, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Philosophieren mit Hegel, by Marco Kleber (Thelem, 2021). …

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«Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History»: “Legal, Economic, and Political in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right” (2 (4), 2021)

Giulia La Rocca // Jan 29, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the new issue of «Reistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History»: Legal, Economic, …

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New Release: Kevin B. Anderson, “Lenin, Hegel, and Western Marxism” (Brill, 2022)

Mattia Megli // Jan 27, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Lenin, Hegel, and Western Marxism. A Critical Study, edited …

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New Release: Evangelia Sembou (ed.), “Hegel’s Political Philosophy” (Peter Lang, 2021)

Mattia Megli // Jan 24, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Hegel’s Political Philosophy. Themes and Interpretations, edited by …

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New Release: Lorenzo Rustighi, “Back Over the Sexual Contract. A Hegelian Critique of Patriarchy” (Lexington Books, 2022)

Giulia Bernard // Jan 22, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the volume Back Over the Sexual Contract. A Hegelian Critique of Patriarchy by Lorenzo Rustighi …

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New Release: Harald Bluhm, “Las formas del saber en torno a la comunicabilidad universal” (Ediciones Universitarias de Valparaíso, 2021)

Mattia Megli // Jan 19, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Las formas del saber en torno a la comunicabilidad …

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New Release: «Antítesis. Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios Hegelianos» 2/2021

Giulia La Rocca // Jan 18, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the new issue of «Antítesis. Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios Hegelianos» 2/2021. Below you …

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New Release: Mark D. Morelli, “Hegel Inside Out” (Encanto Editions, 2020)

Mattia Megli // Jan 17, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the release of new book Hegel Inside Out. Essays on Lonergan’s Debt to …

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