new releases

New release: Pierpaolo Cesaroni, “La vita dei concetti. Hegel, Bachelard, Canguilhem” (Quodlibet, 2020)

Giulia Bernard // Nov 28, 2020

We are very glad to give notice of the release of the book La vita dei concetti. Hegel, Bachelard, Canguilhem …

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NEW RELEASE: Luigi Filieri, “Sintesi e giudizio. Studio su Kant e Jakob Sigismund Beck” (ETS, 2020)

Saša Hrnjez // Nov 27, 2020

We are very glad to give notice of the release of the book Sintesi e giudizio. Studio su Kant e …

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NEW RELEASE: Luigi Reitani, “Geografie dell’altrove. Studi su Hölderlin” (Marsilio, 2020)

Silvia Locatelli // Nov 19, 2020

Siamo lietə di annunciare l’uscita del libro Geografie dell’altrove. Studi su Hölderlin di Luigi Reitani (Marsilio, 2020). Dalla quarta di …

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NEW RELEASE: Patrick Eiden-Offe, “Hegels Logik lesen. Ein Selbstversuch” (Matthes & Seitz, 2020)

Giulia Bernard // Nov 19, 2020

We are glad to give notice of the release of the book Hegels Logik lesen. Ein Selbstversuch, by Patrick Eiden-Offe …

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NEW RELEASE: Sofia Miguens (ed.): “The Logical Alien. Conant and His Critics” (Harvard University Press, 2020)

Giulia La Rocca // Nov 16, 2020

We are very glad to give notice of the release of the book The Logical Alien. Conant and His Critics, edited …

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New Release: “Hegel-Studien”, Volume 53/54

Giulia Bernard // Nov 12, 2020

We are very glad to give notice of the release of the double volume 53/54 of the “Hegel-Studien“, on the …

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NEW RELEASE: “Dialecticus. Revista de Filosofia” (n. 18, 2020)

Giulia La Rocca // Nov 11, 2020

We are pleased to give notice of the release of the new issue of Dialecticus. Revista de Filosofia (n. 18, …

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Armando Manchisi // Nov 11, 2020

We are pleased to give notice of the release of a new issue of the Bulletin de littérature hégélienne (XXX, 2020). …

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NEW RELEASE: Gaetano Rametta: “Il problema dell’esposizione speculativa nel pensiero di Hegel” (new edition, Inschibbloleth, 2020)

Giulia La Rocca // Nov 10, 2020

Siamo liete e lieti di annunciare l’uscita della nuova edizione del libro Il problema dell’esposizione speculativa nel pensiero di Hegel di Gaetano Rametta …

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NEW RELEASE: Klaus Vieweg: “The Idealism of Freedom” (Brill, 2020)

Giulia La Rocca // Nov 6, 2020

We are pleased to give notice of the release of the book The Idealism of Freedom, by Klaus Vieweg (Brill, 2020). …

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NEW RELEASE: Jon Stewart (ed.), “The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism and Existentialism” (Palgrave Macmillan, 2020)

Giulia La Rocca // Nov 2, 2020

We are pleased to give notice of the release of The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism and Existentialism, edited by Jon …

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NEW RELEASE: Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer, “Hegels Wissenschaft der Logik. Ein dialogischer Kommentar” (Meiner, 2020)

Giulia Bernard // Oct 30, 2020

We are glad to give notice of the release of the second volume of Hegels Wissenschaft der Logik. Ein dialogischer …

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New Release: Philosophical Readings: “Hegel: Logics and History” (Vol 13, No 1, 2021)

Silvia Locatelli // Oct 26, 2020

We are pleased to give notice that the last issue of the online journal Philosophical Readings (Vol 13, No 1, 2021) …

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Filippo Sanguettoli // Oct 16, 2020

We are pleased to give notice that the last issue of the journal Diametros (Vol 17, No. 65) is now …

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New Release: Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod, “Hegel féministe. Les aventures d’Antigone” (Vrin, 2020)

Giulia Bernard // Oct 15, 2020

We are pleased to give notice of the release of the volume Hegel féministe. Les aventures d’Antigone, by Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod (Vrin, …

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New Release: L. Di Carlo: “L’Assoluto in Hegel tra autorappresentazione e logiche del diritto” (La Scuola di Pitagora, 2020)

Niccolò Sbolci // Oct 10, 2020

Siamo lieti di dare notizia dell’uscita del volume L’Assoluto in Hegel tra autorappresentazione e logiche del diritto di Leonardo di …

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New release: F.M. Cacciatore, F. Lesce (eds.): “Effetto Hegel. Filosofia, arte, società” (Guida, 2020)

Marco Ferrari // Oct 7, 2020

We are pleased to give notice of the release of the volume Effetto Hegel. Filosofia, arte, società, edited by Fortunato Maria …

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New Release: Kenneth R. Westphal: “Kant’s Critical Epistemology. Why Epistemology Must Consider Judgment First” (Routledge, 2020)

Niccolò Sbolci // Oct 6, 2020

We are pleased to give notice of the release of the volume Kant’s Critical Epistemology. Why Epistemology Must Consider Judgment First …

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