new releases

New Release: Angelica Nuzzo, “Approaching Hegel’s Logic, Obliquely. Melville, Moliere, Beckett” (SUNY Press, 2018)

Giulia Bernard // Jan 14, 2019

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Approaching Hegel’s Logic, Obliquely. Melville, Moliere, Beckett, by …

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New Release: «Symphilosophie – International Journal of Philosophical Romanticism»

Filippo Sanguettoli // Jan 12, 2019

We are pleased to give notice of the release of a new journal dedicated to romantic philosophy and thought: Symphilosophie …

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New Release: Robert B. Pippin, “Hegel’s Realm of Shadows: Logic as Metaphysics in the Science of Logic” (University of Chicago Press, 2018)

Giulia La Rocca // Jan 11, 2019

We are pleased to give notice of the release of the volume Hegel’s Realm of Shadows: Logic as Metaphysics in …

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New release: «Studi Kantiani» (XXXI, 2018)

Marco Ferrari // Jan 10, 2019

We are pleased to announce the publication of the 2018 volume of «Studi Kantiani». The issue contains the following contributions: STUDI …

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Nuovo numero di «Verifiche» – Anno XLII, N. 1-2, 2018

Giovanna Luciano // Jan 9, 2019

Annunciamo l’uscita del nuovo numero di «Verifiche. Rivista semestrale di Scienze Umane» (Anno XLII, N. 1-2, 2018). … II volume contiene i …

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New Release: Agemir Bavaresco, José Pinheiro Pertille, Jair Tauchen, Marloren Miranda (eds.), “Leituras da Lógica de Hegel: volume 2” (Editora Fi, 2018)

Michela Bordignon // Dec 21, 2018

We are pleased to give notice of the release of the volume Leituras da Lógica de Hegel: volume 2, edited …

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New Release: Michael Quante, «Studi sulla filosofia di Karl Marx», a cura di Pietro Garofalo (FrancoAngeli, 2018)

Armando Manchisi // Dec 20, 2018

Siamo lieti di segnalare l’uscita del volume di Michael Quante, Studi sulla filosofia di Karl Marx (FrancoAngeli, 2018), tradotto e …

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New Release: «Negativität: Kunst – Recht – Politik», ed. by Thomas Khurana, Dirk Quadflieg, Francesca Raimondi, Juliane Rebentisch, Dirk Setton, Berlin: Suhrkamp 2018.

Eleonora Cugini // Dec 15, 2018

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Negativität: Kunst – Recht – Politik, edited by …

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New release: J.F. Blumenbach, «Contributi alla storia naturale», traduzione a cura di Mario Marino (Mimesis, 2018)

Niccolò Sbolci // Dec 12, 2018

Siamo lieti di dare notizia della pubblicazione, per i tipi di Mimesis Edizioni, dei Contributi alla storia naturale di Johann …

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New release: “Lost Cause (“Repetition/s”)”, «S: Journal of the Circle for Lacanian Ideology Critique», vol. 10, 2018 (ed. by Ben Hjorth)

Marco Ferrari // Dec 11, 2018

We are pleased to announce the release of the latest issue of S: Journal of the Circle for Lacanian Ideology Critique, …

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New Release: «Marx et le droit» (Droit & Philosophie, n. 10, 2018)

Armando Manchisi // Dec 9, 2018

We are pleased to announce the release of the latest issue of Droit & Philosophie, dedicated to Marx et le droit …

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Hegel Bulletin virtual special Issue «Hegel and politics» – Free Access

Eleonora Cugini // Dec 5, 2018

We are pleased to announce the Hegel Bulletin Virtual Special Issue on Hegel and Politics. The Issue, with a dedicated Introduction …

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New Release: Glenn Alexander Magee (ed.), “Hegel and Ancient Philosophy. A Re-Examination” (Routledge 2018)

Niccolò Sbolci // Nov 21, 2018

We are pleased to give notice of the release of the volume Hegel and Ancient Philosophy. A Re-Examination, edited by …

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New Release: Leibniz Correspondence (Leibniz-Forschungsstelle, 2018)

Arianna Longo // Nov 20, 2018

We are pleased to give notice that a new critical edition of Lebniz correspondence is out. The Leibniz-Forschungsstelle in Münster posted …

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New release: «Kant-Studien», Volume 109, Issue 3 (Oct 2018)

Davide Dalla Rosa // Nov 2, 2018

We are pleased to announce the release of the latest issue of «Kant-Studien». The volume contains the following contributions:   Abhandlungen: Markus …

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New Release: Gilles Marmasse, “Le négatif au travail. Hegel et la raison en devenir” (Hermann, 2018)

Giulia Bernard // Oct 30, 2018

We are pleased to give notice of the release of the volume Le négatif au travail. Hegel et la raison …

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New release: Rebecca Comay and Bart Zantvoort (eds.), “Hegel and Resistance: History, Politics and Dialectics” (Bloomsbury, 2017)

Alessandro Esposito // Oct 16, 2018

We are happy to give notice of the release of the volume Hegel and Resistance: History, Politics and Dialectics (Bloomsbury, 2017), …

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New Release: L.Corti, A. M. Nunziante (ed. by), “Sellars and the History of Modern Philosophy” (Routledge, 2018)

Davide Dalla Rosa // Oct 14, 2018

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Sellars and the History of Modern Philosophy, edited …

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