new releases

New Release: “Hegel and Scepticism. On Klaus Vieweg’s Interpretation” (ed. by J. Kozatsas, G. Faraklas, S. Synegianni, K. Vieweg)

hegelpd // Oct 5, 2017

We are pleased to announce the release of Hegel and Scepticism. On Klaus Vieweg’s Interpretation, edited by Jannis Kozatsas, Georges Faraklas, Stella Synegianni, and Klaus Vieweg. The …

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New Release: G.W.F. Hegel, “Vorlesungen zur Ästhetik (1828-29)”. Ed. by A.P. Olivier – A. Gethmann-Siefert

hegelpd // Aug 12, 2017

We are pleased to announce the release of a yet unpublished Mitschrift of Hegel’s Lectures on Aesthetics 1828/1829. The book is titled Vorlesungen zur …

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New Book: Alberto L. Siani, “Morte dell’arte, libertà del soggetto” (Ets, 2017)

Francesco Campana // Aug 1, 2017

Segnaliamo con piacere l’uscita del volume di Alberto L. Siani, Morte dell’arte, libertà del soggetto. Attualità di Hegel per la casa editrice ETS (2017). …

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INTERVIEW: Francesca Menegoni, “L’eredità degli studi hegeliani in Italia”

Armando Manchisi // Jul 29, 2017

È con piacere che segnaliamo l’intervista alla Professoressa Francesca Menegoni (Padova), pubblicata nella rivista Filosofia italiana (2017, I) a cura di …

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New Issue of CRITIQUE: Book discussions in the philosophy of Kant and German Idealism

Alessandro Esposito // Jul 29, 2017

We are pleased to announce the new issue of the review CRITIQUE: “Book discussions in the philosophy of Kant and German Idealism”. …

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New Issue of “Hegel-Jahrbuch”: “Hegels Anthropologie”

Armando Manchisi // Jul 25, 2017

We are glad to announce a new issue of Hegel-Jahrbuch (Sonderband 9), Hegels Anthropologie. The volume is edited by Andreas Arndt and Jure Zovko …

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New Release: Hegel Bulletin, Volume 38 – Issue 1 (May 2017)

Eleonora Cugini // Jul 13, 2017

We are pleased to announce the release of the volume 38 of the “Hegel Bulletin”, a special Issue on Hegel and …

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New Release: «Discurso» (vol. 47, n. 1 – 2017)

Francesco Campana // Jul 7, 2017

We are pleased to announce the release of new issue of «Discurso» (vol. 47, n. 1 – 2017) «Discurso» is the journal …

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New Book: Danilo Manca, “Esperienza della ragione. Hegel e Husserl in dialogo” (ETS, 2016).

Federico Sanguinetti // Jun 22, 2017

Siamo lieti di segnalare l’uscita del volume Esperienza della ragione. Hegel e Husserl in dialogo, di Danilo Manca (Pisa, ETS …

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Giovanna Luciano // Jun 10, 2017

Segnaliamo l’uscita del libro di Stanley Rosen, La questione dell’essere. Un capovolgimento di Heidegger, in traduzione italiana di Guido Frilli, …

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New Book Series: “Dialectica. Figure del pensiero filosofico” (Edizioni ETS)

Francesco Campana // Jun 3, 2017

Siamo lieti di segnalare l’uscita di una nuova collana di ambito filosofico dal titolo “Dialectica. Figure del pensiero filosofico” per le …

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New Release: “Russian Journal of Philosophy & Humanities” (Vol.1, 2/2017)

Alessandro Esposito // May 16, 2017

We are pleased to announce the release of the first volume of the “Russian Journal of Philosophy & Humanities”. The …

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Book Release: Luca Corti (ed.), “Hegel”, Il Corriere della Sera

hegelpd // May 1, 2017

We are happy to announce that the volume Hegel, belonging to the series “Antologia filosofica”, edited by Luca Corti and distributed …

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New Release: “Hegel Studien”, Volume 50 – Call for submission for the Volume 51

Francesco Campana // Apr 30, 2017

We are pleased to announce the upcoming release of the volume 50 of  the “Hegel-Studien”. The volume will contain the following …

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New Book: Serena Feloj, “Estetica del disgusto” (Carocci, 2017)

Armando Manchisi // Apr 19, 2017

È con piacere che segnaliamo l’uscita del volume di Serena Feloj (Milano-Pavia), Estetica del disgusto. Mendelssohn, Kant e i limiti della rappresentazione per …

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New Book: Klaus Vieweg, “La ‘logica’ della libertà” (Ets, 2017)

Armando Manchisi // Apr 18, 2017

Segnaliamo con piacere l’uscita del volume di Klaus Vieweg (Jena), La ‘logica’ della libertà. Perché la filosofia del diritto di Hegel è …

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New Release: “Does History Make Sense?” by Terry Pinkard (Harvard University Press)

Luca Corti // Apr 13, 2017

We are glad to announce that the Terry Pinkard’s new book, “Does History Make Sense? Hegel On The Historical Shapes …

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New Release: Revista Eletrônica Estudos Hegelianos/Online Journal of Hegelian Studies

Marco Ferrari // Mar 31, 2017

We are pleased to announce that the new issue of the Revista Eletrônica Estudos Hegelianos (Online Journal of Hegelian Studies) …

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