
Warwick Post-Kantian European Philosophy Seminar: Workshop on Stephen Houlgate’s “Hegel on Being” (Warwick, 17 May 2022)

Giovanna Luciano // May 5, 2022

We are glad to give notice that the discussion of the book Hegel on Being (Bloomsbury, 2021) by Stephen Houlgate …

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International Conference: Kritische Theorie zwischen Kant und Hegel (Basel,18-20 May, 2022)

Giovanna Luciano // May 4, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the International Conference Kritische Theorie zwischen Kant und Hegel that will take place …

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Lecture: Rebecca Comay, “Lumpendialektik” (Dundee, 04 May 2022)

Laura Dequal // May 3, 2022

We are glad to give notice that Rebecca Comay (University of Toronto) will give a lecture, entitled Lumpendialektik at University …

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Discussion with Berta M. Pérez, “Hegel’s Time: Between Tragic Action and Modern History” «Hegel Bulletin» 40 3/2019 (Padova, 10 May 2022)

hegelpd // May 2, 2022

We are glad to give notice that the discussion of the article Hegel’s Time: Between Tragic Action and Modern History, …

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Lezione: Temi e problemi della filosofia classica tedesca: Saša Hrnjez (Padova, 3 maggio 2022)

Armando Manchisi // May 2, 2022

Siamo lietɜ di comunicare che il 3 maggio 2022, in occasione dell’ottavo incontro del ciclo di lezioni “Temi e problemi …

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Erzsébet Rósza: Curso Intensivo Para Investigadores Avanzados, “Grundrisse von Hegel’s praktischer Philosophie” (4 May – 22 June 2022)

Giulia La Rocca // May 2, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the classes of the Curso Intensivo Para Investigadores Avanzados, devoted to Grundrisse von …

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Séminar Hegel de l’ENS “L’essence de Hegel”: Journée d’étudies de fin d’année (Paris, 5 May 2022)

Giulia La Rocca // Apr 27, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the Journée d’étudies de fin d’année of the Séminar Hegel de l’ENS, L’essence …

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III Seminário de filosofia clássica alemã (online, 25-27 April 2022)

Giulia La Rocca // Apr 24, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the III Seminário de filosofia clássica alemã, which will take place on 25th-27th April, …

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Talk: Klaus Vieweg “The Right of Resistance” (online, 29 April 2022)

Annapaola Varaschin // Apr 22, 2022

We are glad to give notice that Klaus Vieweg (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena) will give a talk, entitled The Right of Resistance at …

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Workshop: Cognition and Desire in Hegel’s Psychology with Rebecca Comay (Berlin, April 28-29, 2022)

Giovanna Luciano // Apr 21, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the workshop Cognition and Desire in Hegel’s Psychology with Rebecca Comay, which will …

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Conference: “Interpreting Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit” (Heidelberg, 12-14 May 2022)

Niccolò Sbolci // Apr 19, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the conference Interpreting Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit. Expositions and Critique of Contemporary Readings …

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NYGIW: “Hegel’s Heritage: First Nature in Social Philosophy Conference” (Columbia University, 22-23 April 2022)

Annapaola Varaschin // Apr 15, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the Hegel’s Heritage: First Nature in Social Philosophy Conference, which will take place …

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hegelpd-prize 2022: results

hegelpd // Apr 12, 2022

On the occasion of the sixth birthday of hegelpd we have launched the first edition of hegelpd–prize. The prize is meant to award …

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Lezione: Temi e problemi della filosofia classica tedesca: Franco Biasutti (Padova, 12 aprile 2022)

Mattia Megli // Apr 11, 2022

Siamo lietɜ di comunicare che il 12 aprile 2022, in occasione del sesto incontro del ciclo di lezioni “Temi e …

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Niccolò Sbolci // Apr 11, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the Seminar sobre la actualidad del pensamiento de Hegel of the Grupo Hegel-PUCP …

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Seminar: L. Cortella, S. Petrucciani, “Il lavoro in Hegel e in Marx” (Rome, 11 April 2022)

Giulia La Rocca // Apr 9, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the seminar Il lavoro in Hegel e in Marx, with Lucio Cortella (Università …

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3PR Workshop: “God and Infinity: Perspectives from Hegel and Kierkegaard” (Princeton, 1-2 April, 2022)

Barbara Santini // Mar 30, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the The Princeton Project in Philosophy and Religion (3PR) Workshop: “God and Infinity: …

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Leuven Kant Conference 2022: “The Early Reception of Kant’s Critical Philosophy (1781-1804)” (Leuven, 26-28 May, 2022)

Giulia Bernard // Mar 29, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the Leuven Kant Conference 2022: The Early Reception of Kant’s Critical Philosophy (1781-1804), …

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