International interdisciplinary Conference / Annual Conference of the Frankfurt Humanities Research Center: “The Crisis of Freedom: Hegel’s Elements of the Philosophy of Right after 200 Years” (Frankfurt, 13-15 January, 2022)
We are glad to give notice that the International interdisciplinary Conference The Crisis of Freedom: Hegel’s Elements of the Philosophy of …
Hegel – ENS Ulm Seminar (2021-2022): “L’Essence de Hegel. Concepts, enjeux, et problèmes de la Logique de l’Essence”
We are glad to give notice of the next session of Hegel – ENS Ulm Seminar for the year 2021-2022 …
Lezione: Temi e problemi della filosofia classica tedesca: Pablo Pulgar Moya, “Lo stato nella storia” (Padova, 11 gennaio 2022)
Siamo lietɜ di comunicare che l’11 gennaio 2022, in occasione del secondo incontro del ciclo di lezioni “Temi e problemi …
In memoriam: Prof. Enrico Berti
Oggi, 5 gennaio 2022, è venuto a mancare Enrico Berti. Figura di primo piano nell’ambito degli studi aristotelici, Berti, Professore …
Online Workshop for Early Career Researchers: “Ideas in Kant’s Transcendental Philosophy” (Kaliningrad, 17-18 December 2021)
We are glad to give notice of the Online Workshop for Early Career Researchers Ideas in Kant’s Transcendental Philosophy, which will …
KU Leuven Seminar: Katharina Kraus: “Kant’s Ideas of Reason: A Contextualist Interpretation” (16 December 2021)
We are glad to give notice that Katharina Kraus (University of Notre Dame) will give the talk Kant’s Ideas of …
Reminder: Book Discussion: Angelica Nuzzo, “Approaching Hegel’s Logic, Obliquely. Melville, Molière, Beckett” (IISF-hpd, 16 December 2021)
We are glad to remind you that the discussion of the book of Angelica Nuzzo Approaching Hegel’s Logic, Obliquely. Melville, …
Lezione: Elena Polledri, “«La poesia non unisce gli uomini come fa il gioco». Hölderlin e una nuova educazione estetica dell’uomo” (Padova, 10 Dicembre 2021)
Siamo lietɜ di comunicare che venerdì 10 dicembre 2021, nell’ambito del corso di Storia dell’estetica per la Laurea Triennale in Filosofia …
Book Discussion: Angelica Nuzzo, “Approaching Hegel’s Logic, Obliquely. Melville, Molière, Beckett” (IISF-hpd, 16 December 2021)
We are glad to give notice that the book discussion of Angelica Nuzzo Approaching Hegel’s Logic, Obliquely. Melville, Molière, Beckett …
VI Jornada Hegeliana (2-3 December, 2021)
We are pleased to give notice of the VI Jornada Hegeliana which will take place on December 2th-3th, 2021. Guest …
Colloque: “Hegel/Marx, hier et aujourd’hui” (Poitiers, 2-3 December 2021)
We are glad to give notice of the Colloque Hegel/Marx, hier et aujourd’hui, which will take place 2nd to 3rd …
Workshop: “Hegel et la décolonisation de l’histoire” (Namur, 1st December, 2021)
We are glad to give notice that the workshop Hegel et la décolonisation de l’histoire, hosted by the University of Namur …
Lezione: Temi e problemi della filosofia classica tedesca: Lo “spirito” nella storia (Padova, 30 Novembre 2021)
Siamo lietɜ di comunicare che il 30 novembre 2021 si terrà il terzo incontro del ciclo di lezioni “Temi e …
Third Biannual Conference of the Australian Hegel Society: “Confronting Crisis” (Online Event, 2-3 Dicember, 2021)
We are glad to give notice that the Third Biannual Conference of the Australian Hegel Society: Confronting Crisis, hosted by …
Workshop: Journée d’études SPH, “La Science de la logique de Hegel au prisme de sa réception allemande” (24 November 2021)
We are glad to give notice of the Journée d’études SPH: La Science de la logique de Hegel au prisme …
Online workshop: “Hegel and colonialism” (26 November, 2021)
We are glad to give notice of the Online Workshop: Hegel and colonialism, which will be held on Friday, 26 …
Lezione: Tiziana Andina, “Che cos’è un’opera d’arte?” (Padova, 19 novembre 2021)
Siamo lietɜ di comunicare che venerdì 19 novembre 2021, nell’ambito del corso di Storia dell’estetica per la Laurea Triennale in …
HPD – Padova Hegel Lectures 2020: Christopher Yeomans “Hegel, our Archaic Contemporary” (November 23th, 2021)
In order to celebrate the 250th anniversary of Hegel’s birth, hegelpd has launched the Padova Hegel Lectures: a series of …