
Antrittsvorlesung: Dina Emundts “Was heißt es, dass die Philosophie Geschichte hat?” (Freie Universität Berlin, 16th July 2018)

Elena Tripaldi // Jul 4, 2018

We are glad to announce that Prof. Dina Emundts (Freie Universität Berlin) will hold her inaugural lecture at the Institute …

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Philosophy in Assos: Karl Marx on the 200th Anniversary of its birth (Assos, July 2-5, 2018)

Alessandro Esposito // Jun 25, 2018

We are pleased to announce that the meeting Philosophy in Assos on the topic Karl Marx and the 200th Anniversary of …

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International Workshop: “Conceiving Reproduction: The Impact of German Naturphilosophie” (Berlin, 6-7 July 2018)

Niccolò Sbolci // Jun 25, 2018

We are glad to announce the international workshop “Conceiving Reproduction: The Impact of German Naturphilosophie” organized by PD Dr. Susanne Lettow …

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Conference: Kant’s Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone (22-24 June, Leipzig)

Giovanna Luciano // Jun 20, 2018

We are happy to announce that the conference “Kant’s Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone” will be held at the University …

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Conference: Kantian Perspectives on Autonomy and Normativity: Theoretical Foundations (25 – 26 June, Southampton)

Eleonora Cugini // Jun 20, 2018

We are glad to announce that the conference “Kantian Perspectives on Autonomy and Normativity: Theoretical Foundations” will be held at …

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Workshop: Existence: A Continuation of the Dialectic of Hegel’s Science of Logic (Kingston University, June 28th 2018)

Michela Bordignon // Jun 19, 2018

We are happy to give notice that a workshop seminar entitled Existence: A Continuation of the Dialectic of Hegel’s Science of …

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Workshop: The Aristotelian God and German Idealism: The Absolute as Actuality, Activity, or Thought (HU Berlin, July 12th 2018 – RSVP by 29th June, 2018)

Elena Tripaldi // Jun 16, 2018

We are happy to give notice that a workshop entitled The Aristotelian God and German Idealism: The Absolute as Actuality, …

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Lecture by Christoph Menke: «Dialektik der Befreiung. Die Erfahrung des Exodus» (Bochum – June, 26th)

Eleonora Cugini // Jun 16, 2018

We are glad to announce that the lecture of this year 2018 for the Bochumer Hegel-Vorlesung will be given by Prof. …

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Bilingual Workshop: “Kant and his Predecessors” (LMU Munich, 23 June 2018)

Alessandro Esposito // Jun 12, 2018

We are pleased to announce that a bilingual Workshop “Kant and his Predecessors” will be held at the LMU Munich, on June 23th …

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hegelpd – AHS Workshop: “Logic, Metaphysics and Nature: Themes from Hegel” (Padova, 15 June 2018)

Giovanna Luciano // Jun 11, 2018

We are happy to announce that the workshop “Logic, Metaphysics and Nature: Themes from Hegel” will take place at the …

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International workshop: “Hegels Theorie des absoluten Geistes” (Berlin, 14-16 June 2018)

Giovanna Luciano // Jun 10, 2018

We are pleased to announce that an international three-day Workshop “Hegels Theorie des absoluten Geistes” will be held at the …

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“Workshop with Paul Redding” (Potsdam, 18-19 June 2018)

Davide Dalla Rosa // Jun 9, 2018

We are pleased to inform that a two day-workshop with Prof. Paul Redding  (University of Sydney) will take place at …

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Assemblea Costituente della Società Italiana per le Donne in Filosofia (SWIP Italia) – Università di Torino 14 Giugno 2018

Eleonora Cugini // Jun 9, 2018

Siamo lieti di informarvi che il prossimo Giovedì 14 giugno 2018 alle ore 17:00 avrà luogo l’Assemblea Costituente della Società …

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Lecture by Prof. Karin de Boer: “Kant, Reinhold, and the Status of Transcendental Philosophy”

Federico Sanguinetti // Jun 8, 2018

We are glad to announce that Prof. Karin de Boer (University of Leuven) will give a lecture entitled “Kant, Reinhold, …

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Workshop: “Absolute Knowing and Presuppositionless Science: Hegel’s Phenomenology and Logic” (Oxford, 16th June 2018)

Luca Corti // Jun 7, 2018

We are glad to announce that the workshop “Absolute Knowing and Presuppositionless Science: Hegel’s Phenomenology and Logic” will be heel in …

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International Conference: “Grounding the Space of Reasons: The Question of First Principles in German Idealism and Today” (Freiburg, 14th-16th June)

Davide Dalla Rosa // Jun 7, 2018

We are pleased to announce that the FRIAS Junior Researcher International Conference “Grounding the Space of Reasons: The Question of First …

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Conference: “Zeit für Kant” (IZPH, NRW Bonn, 8-9 June 2018)

Francesco Campana // Jun 6, 2018

We are pleased to inform that the international conference Zeit für Kant will be held at the Internationales Zentrum für Philosophie NRW, Bonn on June 8th-9th 2018. …

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Lecture by Rolf-Peter Horstmann: “Hegel in Berlin 1818”

Federico Sanguinetti // Jun 6, 2018

We are glad to announce that Prof. Rolf-Peter Horstmann will give a lecture entitled “Hegel in Berlin 1818” on Thursday, …

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