
Workshop: “A atualidade da Ciência da lógica de Hegel” (Vitória (Brazil), September 11th, 2017)

Michela Bordignon // Sep 2, 2017

We are glad to announce the workshop entitled A atualidade da Ciência da lógica de Hegel at the Universidade Federal …

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Conference: “Encontro Nacional sobre a Ciência da Lógica de Hegel” (Porto Alegre, September 27th-28th, 2017)

Michela Bordignon // Aug 24, 2017

We are glad to announce the national conference on Hegel’s Science of Logic, which will take place in Porto Alegre, at …

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Conference: “Die Aktualität des Geistes: Klassische Positionen nach Kant und ihre Relevanz in der Moderne” (Munich, 4-5 August 2017)

Giovanna Miolli // Aug 3, 2017

We are glad to announce that the conference “Die Aktualität des Geistes: Klassische Positionen nach Kant und ihre Relevanz in der …

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Giovanna Luciano // Jul 22, 2017

We are glad to announce that the annual conference of the Hegel Society of Great Britain Hegel and Metaphysics will be …

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Corso estivo: “Natura, seconda natura e libertà nella filosofia classica tedesca” (Padova, 13 e 14 Luglio 2017)

Daniele Bertoletti // Jul 8, 2017

Il 13 e il 14 luglio 2017, a Padova, gli studenti partecipanti al percorso di laurea a doppio titolo in Scienze Filosofiche …

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Conference: “Benjamin & Leibniz: On Expression” (London, 27-28 June 2017)

Francesco Campana // Jun 26, 2017

We are glad to give notice of the conference “Benjamin & Leibniz: On Expression”, which will take place at Goldsmiths, University of London on …

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Seminario: “Temi e problemi della filosofia classica tedesca”, Elena Tripaldi, “Storia e Libertà – Un tentativo di confronto con “Does History Make Sense?” di Terry Pinkard ” (27 giugno 2017, Padova)

Giovanna Miolli // Jun 24, 2017

Martedì 27 giugno 2017, all’interno del seminario “Temi e problemi della filosofia classica tedesca”, organizzato dal Corso di Dottorato in …

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Marx and Philosophy Society Annual Conference: “Marx and the Concept of Labour” (London, June 24, 2017)

Armando Manchisi // Jun 20, 2017

We are pleased to announce that the Marx and Philosophy Society Annual Conference on the topic Marx and the Concept of Labour …

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Lecture: Bochumer Hegel-Vorlesung, Prof. Sally Sedgwick (University of Chicago), (Bochum, June 20th 2017)

Davide Dalla Rosa // Jun 19, 2017

We are pleased to give notice of this year’s Bochumer Hegel-Vorlesung, that will be held by Prof. Sally Sedgwick (University of Chicago). …

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Workshop: “Hegel’s Logic and His System” (Oxford, 20th June 2017)

Michela Bordignon // Jun 17, 2017

We are glad to announce the workshop Hegel’s Logic and His System, which will take place at St. John’s College …

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Giovanna Luciano // Jun 15, 2017

We are glad to announce that Prof. Paul Redding  (University of Sydney) will be visiting the Philosophy Department of the University …

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Workshop: “The Claims of Autonomy” (Bonn, 15-16 June 2017)

Giovanna Miolli // Jun 14, 2017

We are pleased to announce that the workshop “The Claims of Autonomy” will take place in Bonn, on 15-16 June 2017. …

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Philosophy in Assos: “Immanuel Kant” (Assos, July 3-6, 2017)

Alessandro Esposito // Jun 13, 2017

We are pleased to announce that the meeting Philosophy in Assos on the topic Immanuel Kant will be held in Assos on July …

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Seminar: James Kreines, ”Hegel, Dialectic and Metaphysical Grounding” (Valencia, 13th June 2017)

Elena Tripaldi // Jun 11, 2017

We are glad to announce that Prof. James Kreines (Claremont McKenna University) will give a talk during the final session of …

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Workshop: “New Philosophical Anthropology” (UWE City Campus at Arnolfini, 9th June 2017)

Elisa Bello // Jun 8, 2017

We are glad to announce the workshop “New Philosophical Anthropology”, which will take place at the University of the West …

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Workshop: “Kant on Sex, Love and Friendship” (St Andrews, July 21-23, 2017)

Alessandro Esposito // Jun 6, 2017

We are glad to announce the Workshop Kant on Sex, Love and Friendship, which will take place at the University of …

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Workshop: “The Dialectic of Life, Past and Present: Hegel and the Philosophy of Biology” (University of Bordeaux, June 19-20, 2017)

Andrea Gambarotto // Jun 1, 2017

We are glad to announce the Workshop The Dialectic of Life, Past and Present: Hegel and the Philosophy of Biology, which …

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Annual St Andrews/Stirling Kant Reading Party: “Kant and Sidgwick” (July 24-27, 2017)

Arianna Longo // May 30, 2017

We are pleased to announce that the 10th annual Kant Reading Party on the topic Kant and Sidgwick will be …

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