
Seminario “Temi e problemi della filosofia classica tedesca”: Luca Illetterati, “Sistema e libertà tra Kant e Hegel: un’introduzione” (Padova, 8 Novembre 2016)

Giovanna Luciano // Nov 7, 2016

Martedì 8 Novembre 2016, all’interno del seminario “Temi e problemi della filosofia classica tedesca”, organizzato dal Corso di Dottorato in …

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In memoriam: Prof. Klaus Brinkmann

hegelpd // Nov 6, 2016

It is with great sadness that we give notice of Professor Klaus Brinkmann’s passing away on November 1st. Professor Brinkmann …

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Informal Seminar for Graduate Students at McGill University, School of Religious Studies

Elena Tripaldi // Nov 4, 2016

We are happy to signal the ongoing graduate seminar on philosophy of religion held at the School of Religious Studies of …

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Good morning, hegelpd!

hegelpd // Nov 3, 2016

La redazione di hegelpd è lieta di presentare il nuovo sito, con una rinnovata veste grafica e alcuni importanti novità. Che …

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“International Chair of Philosophy Jacques Derrida / Law and Culture – 3rd Edition: Schelling, Nature, Myth, Realism” (Turin, October 24-25, 2016)

Arianna Longo // Oct 17, 2016

We are pleased to announce that the conference “Schelling, Nature, Myth, Realism” will be held in Turin on October 24th-25th. …

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Conference: “Parrhesia, eros, polis. Tragedia greca, questioni contemporanee: letture etico-politiche” (Padua, November 9)

Francesco Campana // Oct 15, 2016

We are pleased to announce that the conference “Parrhesia, eros, polis. Tragedia greca, questioni contemporanee: letture etico-politiche” will be held …

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Reminder: Workshop “The Notion of Life Between Classical German Philosophy and Contemporary Philosophy” (Padova, October 18th and 19th)

Elena Tripaldi // Oct 13, 2016

We are glad to remind you that on October 18th and 19th a workshop entitled “The Notion of Life Between …

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Reminder: Prof. Sandkaulen MA Lectures

Giovanna Luciano // Oct 12, 2016

We are glad to remind that Prof. Birgit Sandkaulen (Director of the Forschungszentrum für Klassische Deutsche Philosophie – Ruhr-Universität Bochum) …

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Third Carinthian Workshop on Topics from Early Modern Philosophy to Kant. Kant Maria von Herbert, and Early Modern Women Philosophers

Elisa Bello // Oct 11, 2016

We are glad to announce that the “Third Carinthian Workshop on Topics from Early Modern Philosophy to Kant. Kant, Maria …

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SEMINARIO “TEMI E PROBLEMI DELLA FILOSOFIA CLASSICA TEDESCA” – BIRGIT SANDKAULEN (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) «Realismus – Jacobis Kritik der Repräsentationstheorie des Bewußtseins» (Padova, 11 Ottobre 2016)

Eleonora Cugini // Oct 10, 2016

Martedì 11 Ottobre 2016, all’interno del seminario «Temi e problemi della filosofia classica tedesca», organizzato dal Corso di Dottorato in Filosofia …

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International Conference: “Leibniz: Legacy and Impact” (Manchester Metropolitan University, 5th November 2016)

Iacopo Chiaravalli // Oct 5, 2016

We are pleased to announce the international conference “Leibniz: Legacy and Impact” that will be held at the Manchester Metropolitan …

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Lectures: Prof. Birgit Sandkaulen Visiting Professor at Padua University

hegelpd // Oct 4, 2016

We are honoured to announce that Prof. Birgit Sandkaulen (Director of the Forschungszentrum für Klassische Deutsche Philosophie – Ruhr-Universität Bochum) will …

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Conference “Differenza, Tecnologie, Individuazione. Percorsi nella filosofia contemporanea” (Padua, October 3-5)

Davide Dalla Rosa // Sep 30, 2016

We are pleased to announce that the conference “Differenza, Tecnologie, Individuazione. Percorsi nella filosofia contemporanea” will be held in Padua …

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Inaugural Conference of the Society for German Idealism and Romanticism (Chicago, 1st-2nd October 2016)

Elena Tripaldi // Sep 22, 2016

We are glad to announce the inaugural conference of the Society for German Idealism and Romanticism (SGIR) will be held …

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Conference: “Kant, Rights, and the State”

Elisa Bello // Sep 19, 2016

We are glad to announce that a conference on “Kant, Rights, and the State” will take place at the University …

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Two Lectures by Niklas Hebing (Padua, 27-28 September 2016)

hegelpd // Sep 15, 2016

Martedì 27 e mercoledì 28 settembre 2016 si terranno due incontri nell’ambito del ciclo di seminari intitolato Temi e problemi della filosofia classica …

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Inaugural conference of the Australian Hegel Society (Sydney, 29th-30th September, 2016)

Giovanna Luciano // Sep 14, 2016

We are glad to announce that the Inaugural Conference of the Australian Hegel Society will be held at the University …

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CFA: “Kant’s A-Deduction” (Leuven, December 12-13, 2016)

Arianna Longo // Sep 12, 2016

We are glad to announce that the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven has organized a conference addressing the issue of “Kant’s A-Deduction”. The …

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