SEMINARIO “TEMI E PROBLEMI DELLA FILOSOFIA CLASSICA TEDESCA” – BIRGIT SANDKAULEN (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) «Realismus – Jacobis Kritik der Repräsentationstheorie des Bewußtseins» (Padova, 11 Ottobre 2016)
Martedì 11 Ottobre 2016, all’interno del seminario «Temi e problemi della filosofia classica tedesca», organizzato dal Corso di Dottorato in Filosofia …
International Conference: “Leibniz: Legacy and Impact” (Manchester Metropolitan University, 5th November 2016)
We are pleased to announce the international conference “Leibniz: Legacy and Impact” that will be held at the Manchester Metropolitan …
Lectures: Prof. Birgit Sandkaulen Visiting Professor at Padua University
We are honoured to announce that Prof. Birgit Sandkaulen (Director of the Forschungszentrum für Klassische Deutsche Philosophie – Ruhr-Universität Bochum) will …
Conference “Differenza, Tecnologie, Individuazione. Percorsi nella filosofia contemporanea” (Padua, October 3-5)
We are pleased to announce that the conference “Differenza, Tecnologie, Individuazione. Percorsi nella filosofia contemporanea” will be held in Padua …
Inaugural Conference of the Society for German Idealism and Romanticism (Chicago, 1st-2nd October 2016)
We are glad to announce the inaugural conference of the Society for German Idealism and Romanticism (SGIR) will be held …
Conference: “Kant, Rights, and the State”
We are glad to announce that a conference on “Kant, Rights, and the State” will take place at the University …
Two Lectures by Niklas Hebing (Padua, 27-28 September 2016)
Martedì 27 e mercoledì 28 settembre 2016 si terranno due incontri nell’ambito del ciclo di seminari intitolato Temi e problemi della filosofia classica …
Inaugural conference of the Australian Hegel Society (Sydney, 29th-30th September, 2016)
We are glad to announce that the Inaugural Conference of the Australian Hegel Society will be held at the University …
CFA: “Kant’s A-Deduction” (Leuven, December 12-13, 2016)
We are glad to announce that the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven has organized a conference addressing the issue of “Kant’s A-Deduction”. The …
Padua Philosophy Summer School (12-23 September): Philosophical Controversies about Objectivity in Classical German Philosophy and Contemporary Analytic Philosophy
We are glad to announce that a summer school exploring the theme of philosophical disagreement in classical german philosophy and …
Registration for Padova Philosophy Summer School, 12-23 September 2016 «Philosophical Controversies about Objectivity in Classical German Philosophy and Contemporary Analytic Philosophy»
We are pleased to announce that Padova Philosophy Summer School on «Philosophical Controversies about Objectivity in Classical German Philosophy and Contemporary Analytic Philosophy» …
CFP: “Schelling: Crisis and Critique” (Mexico City, February 21-25, 2017)
We are glad to announce that the North American Schelling Society (NASS) has organized its fifth annual meeting around the …
Workshop: “Philosophies of Nature: Schelling and his Contemporaries” (Bristol, 14-15 September, 2016)
We are glad to announce a workshop for graduates and early-carreer researchers that will be held at the University of …
Conference: “The Idealism and Metaphilosophy of Mind” (15th-16th September, 2016)
We are glad to announce that “The Idealism and Metaphilosophy of Mind” Conference will take place in Senate House (Malet Street, …
CFP: “VIIth Multilateral Kant Colloquium” (Halle/Sale, April 28-30, 2017)
The Immanuel-Kant-Forum at Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU), in collaboration with “Kant-Gesellschaft”, “Aufklärung – Religion – Wissen” (MLU), “Interdisciplinary Center for the …
Conference: “Kant, Rights, and the State” (Merton College, University of Oxford, September 24-25, 2016)
We are glad to announce that a conference on Kant, Rights, and the State will be held at Merton College (University of Oxford) on …
Workshop: “La filosofia di Hegel come metateoria – Hegels Philosophie als Metatheorie” (Verona, July 14th, 2016)
We are glad to announce the International Workshop “La filosofia di Hegel come metateoria – Hegels Philosophie als Metatheorie”, that will be …
Conference: “The Disunity of Reason: On Kant’s Antinomies” (Berlin, July 18th-19th)
We are glad to announce that a conference will be held in Berlin, entitled “The Disunity of Reason: On Kant’s …