
CFP: “Philosophies of Nature: Schelling and his Contemporaries” (University of Liverpool, 15th-16th June, 2016)

hegelpd // Feb 29, 2016

We are pleased to announce the call for participation for the post-graduate and early-career workshop entitled  «Philosophies of Nature: Schelling and …

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Michela Bordignon vince il Premio Ceolin

hegelpd // Feb 27, 2016

Michela Bordignon è stata insignita del Premio di studio intitolato a Milla Baldo Ceolin come migliore ricercatrice dell’Ateneo di Padova. …

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CFP: “Fichte en el Laberinto del Idealismo” (Buenos Aires, September 14-16, 2016)

Arianna Longo // Feb 24, 2016

We are pleased to announce that a call for papers has been opened for the fourth International Congress of the …

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Conferenza: “Il legame estetico: Hannah Arendt e la Critica del Giudizio di Kant” (Pavia, 25 febbraio 2016)

Michela Bordignon // Feb 23, 2016

La Società Filosofica Dottorale (SFIDO) con il patrocinio dell’Università degli Studi di Pavia, del Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici FINO e del …

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Temi e problemi della filosofia classica tedesca: Alessandro Esposito e Luca Illetterati su “Prolegomeni al pensare la vita. L’intelletto e la legge nella Fenomenologia dello spirito di Hegel” (Padova, 23 febbraio 2016)

Michela Bordignon // Feb 22, 2016

Martedì 23 febbraio 2016, all’interno del seminario “Temi e problemi della filosofia classica tedesca”, organizzato dal Corso di Dottorato in Filosofia dell’Università di Padova, Alessandro …

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Seminario: “La negazione. Storia di un concetto” (Padova, 18-19 febbraio, 2016)

Iacopo Chiaravalli // Feb 10, 2016

Il 18 e il 19 febbraio 2016 si terrà presso l’Università di Padova (Aula Film – P.zza Capitaniato 3) un …

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Conference: “Aristotle and Kant in Conversation” (Auburn, March 24th-25th, 2016)

Armando Manchisi // Feb 8, 2016

We are pleased to announce that the 8th Annual Auburn Philosophy Conference will be held in Auburn (Alabama) on March 24th-25th, 2016. The topic of …

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Convegno: “Pensare il proprio tempo. Prospettive hegeliane” (Vercelli, 11-12 Febbraio 2016)

Daniele Bertoletti // Feb 6, 2016

Giovedì 11 e venerdì 12 febbraio 2016, a Vercelli, si terrà un convegno dal titolo “Pensare il proprio tempo. Prospettive …

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CFP: “Mind and Nature” (University of Ottawa, April 8-10, 2016)

Arianna Longo // Jan 28, 2016

We are pleased to announce that a call for papers has been opened for a conference dedicated to the topic …

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Conference: “From Marx to Hegel and Back to the Future” (Stockholm, February 25th-27th, 2016)

Marco Ferrari // Jan 20, 2016

We are pleased to announce the International Conference: “From Marx to Hegel and Back to the Future”, which will be …

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Workshop: “Contraddizione e incompatibilità – Prospettive logiche e metafisiche” (Padova, lunedì 25 gennaio 2016)

Daniele Bertoletti // Jan 18, 2016

Lunedì 25 gennaio presso la Sala delle Edicole (Piazza Capitaniato, 3, Padova), si terrà un workshop dal titolo Contraddizione e incompatibilità – …

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Workshop on “Lambert, Tetens and Kant” (Leuven, February 16th, 2016)

Armando Manchisi // Jan 15, 2016

We are glad to announce the Workshop on “Lambert, Tetens and Kant”, that will be held at the KU Leuven, on …

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Conference: “Idealism and Metaphilosophy of Mind” (London, 15th-16th September, 2016)

Armando Manchisi // Jan 13, 2016

We are pleased to announce that a Conference on Idealism and Metaphilosophy of Mind will be held in London from …

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CFP: Conference on Hegel’s Logic (University of Valencia, April 20-22th, 2016)

Michela Bordignon // Jan 12, 2016

We gladly announce that a call for papers has been opened for the Conference on Hegel’s Logic that will be held …

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CFP: “Leibniz: Legacy and Impact” (Manchester Metropolitan University, November 5, 2016)

Arianna Longo // Jan 11, 2016

We gladly announce that a call for papers has been opened for the international conference dedicated to the following topic: …

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CFP: “International Kant Workshop for PhD Students” (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, April 21-23, 2016)

Michela Bordignon // Jan 10, 2016

We gladly announce that a call for papers has been opened for the International Kant Workshop for PhD Students. The event …

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International Workshop: “On Disjunctivism” (Padova, January 15, 2016)

Michela Bordignon // Jan 8, 2016

We are pleased to announce the International Workshop “On Disjunctivism”, that will be held at Padova University, on January 15, 2016. *** Conference Programme …

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Giornata di studi: Imparare a filosofare. Kant e la filosofia oggi. In ricordo di Silvestro Marcucci (Pisa, 11 Gennaio 2016)

Michela Bordignon // Jan 6, 2016

Segnaliamo con piacere l’evento organizzato dalla Fondazione Silvestro Marcucci – Onlus Imparare a filosofare. Kant e la filosofia oggi. In …

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