Event: XII International Congress of the Brazilian Hegel Society, “Hegel: Identity and Difference” (Brasília, 7-10 November 2023)
We are glad to give notice of the XII International Congress of the Brazilian Hegel Society, “Hegel: Identity and Difference”, …
Conference: “Vernünftiges Strafen? Die Gegenwart des Deutschen Idealismus in der Straftheorie” (Freiburg i. Br., 26-28 October 2023)
We are glad to give notice of the conference Vernünftiges Strafen? Die Gegenwart des Deutschen Idealismus in der Straftheorie, which …
Event: “Das Denken des falschen Denkens denken. Negativität bei und mit Kant” (Berlin, 27-28 October 2023)
We are glad to give notice of the international conference Das Denken des falschen Denkens denken. Negativität bei und mit …
Terzo convegno della Società Italiana di Filosofia Teoretica: “Pensare (con) la letteratura. Temi e modelli di ‘filosofia della letteratura’ in prospettiva teoretica” (Chieti, 12-14 ottobre 2023)
Siamo lietɜ di condividere il programma del Terzo convegno della Società Italiana di Filosofia Teoretica, “Pensare (con) la letteratura. Temi …
Two Talks: Anselmo Aportone and Michela Summa (Padova, 28 September 2023)
We are glad to give notice of two talks that will take place on September 28th, at the Università degli Studi …
Reminder: Workshop: “Spinoza conteso: il terzo genere di conoscenza in discussione” (Padova, 26-27 September 2023)
We are very glad to remind that the workshop Spinoza conteso: il terzo genere di conoscenza in discussione will take …
Workshop: “The Persistence of Crisis Within Hegel’s Speculative Reason” (Basel, 28-29 September 2023)
We are very glad to give notice of the international workshop The persistence of crisis within Hegel’s speculative reason, which …
Event: “Insieme per ricordare Pino Cantillo” (Napoli, 20 september 2023)
Diamo notizia dell’incontro Insieme per ricordare Pino Cantillo: studioso, amico, maestro, che si terrà mercoledì 20 novembre 2023, h. 11:00, …
Seminario IISF: Luca Illetterati, “La filosofia come (in)disciplina scientifica” (Napoli, 20-22 Settembre)
Siamo lietɜ di segnalare il ciclo di seminari La filosofia come (in)disciplina scientifica, tenuto da Luca Illetterati presso l’Istituto Italiano …
Seminario di Teoria Critica, XXXIV. Incontro Annuale: “Natura e potere” (Parma, 5-7 October 2023)
We are glad to give notice of that the XXXIV annual meeting of the Seminario di Teoria Critica, entitled Natura …
Workshop: “Spinoza conteso: il terzo genere di conoscenza in discussione” (Padova, 26-27 September 2023)
We are very glad to give notice of the workshop Spinoza conteso: il terzo genere di conoscenza in discussione, which …
Course of excellence: Catherine Malabou, “Anarchism and Philosophy” (Padova, 11-15 September 2023)
We are glad to give notice that the 2022-2023 course of excellence for PhD students of the University of Padova …
Online Lecture: Diogo Ferrer, “O Conceito da Experiência na Ciência da Lógica de Hegel” (Online, 18 August 2023)
We are pleased to announce that the lecture by Diogo Ferrer (University of Coimbra), O Conceito da Experiência na Ciência …
Conference: “Kant and the Norms of Action. A Revaluation of the Synthetic Apriori” (Mainz, 27-30 July 2023)
We are glad to give notice of the conference Kant and the Norms of Action. A Revaluation of the Synthetic …
Lecture: Sixth Deutsch-Italienische Kant-Vorlesung: Lucy Allais (5 July, 2023)
We are glad to give notice of the Sixth Deutsch-Italienische Kant-Vorlesung, which will be held on July 5th, 2023 at …
Conference: “Conceptions of Nature in Classical Germal Philosophy” (Stuttgart, 5-7 July 2023)
We are glad to give notice of the conference Conceptions of Nature in Classical Germal Philosophy, which will be held at …
Workshop: Hegel and/or Marx: Problems of Theory, Critique and Practice (Berlin, July 4, 2023)
We are glad to announce the Workshop: “Hegel and/or Marx: Problems of Theory, Critique and Practice”, which will take place …
Workshop: “Schellings Naturphilosophie und ihre Aktualität” (Tübingen, 26-28 June 2023)
We are glad to give notice of the workshop Schellings Naturphilosophie und ihre Aktualität, which will take place at the …