
CFP: 2023 hegelpd-prize

hegelpd // Feb 1, 2023

We are very glad to announce that the call for the 2023 hegelpd-prize is now open! The prize (currently at …

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Berlin-Padova Workshop: “Hegel’s Metaphysics: Dead or Alive? On the Contemporary Relevance of Hegel’s Metaphysics” (Padova, 9-10 January 2023)

hegelpd // Dec 30, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the second meeting of the International Workshop Hegel’s Metaphysics: Dead or Alive? On the contemporary …

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Lezione: Temi e problemi della filosofia classica tedesca: Armando Manchisi, “G.W.F. Hegel, Lineamenti di filosofia del diritto: Introduzione (§§ 1-33)” (Padova, 6 dicembre 2022)

hegelpd // Dec 3, 2022

Siamo lietə di comunicare che il 6 dicembre 2022 si terrà il secondo incontro del ciclo di lezioni di dottorato …

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Lezione: Temi e problemi della filosofia classica tedesca: Luca Illetterati, “Presentazione del ciclo di lezioni” (Padova, 18 ottobre 2022)

Armando Manchisi // Oct 15, 2022

Siamo lietə di comunicare che il 18 ottobre 2022 si terrà il primo incontro del ciclo di lezioni di dottorato …

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Reminder: Book Discussion hegelpd-prize 2021: Christoph Menke, “Autonomie und Befreiung. Studien zu Hegel” (Padova, 3 October 2022)

hegelpd // Sep 30, 2022

We would like to remind you of the book discussion of Christoph Menke, Autonomie und Befreiung. Studien zu Hegel (Suhrkamp, …

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Book discussion hegelpd-prize 2021: Christoph Menke, “Autonomie und Befreiung. Studien zu Hegel” (Padova, 3 October 2022)

hegelpd // Sep 21, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the book discussion of Christoph Menke, Autonomie und Befreiung. Studien zu Hegel (Suhrkamp, …

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Reminder: hpd- Padova Hegel Lecture 2020: Christophe Bouton, “Hegel and the Problem of Realism” (Padova, July 19, 2022)

hegelpd // Jul 14, 2022

We are glad to remind you that the next Padova Hegel Lecture will be given by Christophe Bouton (Université Bordeaux …

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Reminder: hegelpd – Australian Hegel Society – Sociedade Hegel Brasileira Joint Conference: “Critiques of Reason: Hegel and Contemporary Critical Theory” (Padova and online, 29-30 June / 01 July 2022)

Giovanna Luciano // Jun 27, 2022

We are glad to remind you of the international conference Critiques of Reason: Hegel and Contemporary Critical Theory, which will …

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hpd-AHS-SHB Conference: “Critiques of Reason: Hegel and Contemporary Critical Theory” (Padova and online, June 29-30 / July 01, 2022)

hegelpd // Jun 15, 2022

We are glad to announce international conference Critiques of Reason: Hegel and Contemporary Critical Theory, which will take place at …

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4-day Seminar: Christopher Yeomans, “Historical Subjectivity” (Padova, 20, 21, 23, 28 June 2022)

hegelpd // Jun 14, 2022

We are glad to give notice of the 4-day Seminar Historical Subjectivity, which will be held by Christopher Yeomans (Purdue University, …

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hpd – Padova Hegel Lecture 2020: Christophe Bouton, “Hegel and the problem of realism” (Padova, July 19, 2022)

hegelpd // Jun 14, 2022

In order to celebrate the 250th anniversary of Hegel’s birth, hegelpd has launched the Padova Hegel Lectures: a series of lectures given by …

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hpd – Padova Hegel Lecture 2020: James Kreines, “Reviving the Old Story of Reviving a Metaphysical System à la Spinoza: Kant’s Dialectic as Challenge and Hegel’s as Solution” (Padova, May 24th, 2022)

hegelpd // May 11, 2022

In order to celebrate the 250th anniversary of Hegel’s birth, hegelpd has launched the Padova Hegel Lectures: a series of lectures given by …

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HPD – Padova Hegel Lectures 2020: Paul Kottman: “Can Hegel’s Philosophy of Art help us to understand Contemporary Visual Culture?” (Lecture on Zoom, April 19th, 2021)

hegelpd // Apr 13, 2021

In order to celebrate the 250th anniversary of Hegel’s birth, hegelpd has launched the Padova Hegel Lectures: a series of lectures given by …

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hpd – Padova Hegel Lectures 2020: Miguel Giusti: “¿Filosofía del derecho sin Ciencia de la lógica? Un debate en curso” (Lecture on Zoom, March 30th, 2021)

hegelpd // Mar 21, 2021

In order to celebrate the 250th anniversary of Hegel’s birth, hegelpd has launched the Padova Hegel Lectures: a series of lectures given by …

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