
HPD-HOLIDAYS: Giovanna Luciano, “«Nec plus ultra»? Il limite tra il sapere e il non sapere della ragione kantiana” (PUP, 2020)

HPD - HOLIDAYS: Franco Chiereghin, "Il superamento della coscienza dualistica e le dinamiche del Principio. Note in margine a Bhradarānyaka Upaniṣad I, 4 e II, 1" (PUP, 2020)

hegelpd takes a summer holiday. In this period we will be sharing recent essays and reviews by our research group. 

We are pleased to share the essay «Nec plus ultra»? Il limite tra il sapere e il non sapere della ragione kantiana by Giovanna Luciano, published in the volume Morality, Ethics, Religion between Classical German Philosophy and Contemporary Thought. Studies in Honor of Francesca Menegoni edited by Luca IlletteratiArmando ManchisiMichael QuanteAlessandro Esposito and Barbara Santini (Padova University Press, 2020).

Here below you can find the abstract of the text:

The exploration and conquest of new worlds, journeys of discover and navigations are pervasive metaphors in Kant’s writings. They refer to fundamental issues for Kant’s transcendental critique and to the idea of a metaphysical drive that needs to adopt a scientific form. In this paper, I read the Kantian project of a critique of pure reason in terms of a transcendental geography, through the analysis a some of the most telling travel-related images that Kant uses in the first Critique.

You can download the pdf of the essay from the button below.

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