
Leuven Kant Conference 2023 (Leuven, 1-3 June 2023)

We are glad to give notice of the Leuven Kant Conference, which will take place at the KU Leuven and online (Zoom), on June 1st-3rd, 2023.

Organizers are Karin de Boer (KU Leuven), Pierpaolo Betti (KU Leuven), Arnaud Pelletier (Université Libre de Bruxelles) and Henny Blomme (Université Libre de Bruxelles).

Below you can find the general presentation and the programme of the Leuven Kant Conference.


We intend the yearly Leuven Kant Conference to provide a space for open exchange between established scholars, early career researchers, and PhD students. The 2023 edition of the conference will feature a combination of on-campus and online talks on any topic in Kant scholarship. Participants will be able to attend the on-campus talks on Zoom. The online talks will be fully online, i.e., all participants will join a Zoom meeting regardless of their location.


(Time Zone CET)


Thursday, June 1

12.00-13.00: Lunch and Registration

13.00-13.05: Welcome

                     Panel 1: Ethics and Right

Chair: Karin de Boer (KU Leuven)

13.00-13.50: Günter Zöller (University of Munich)

                     “Legalitas giuridica […] legalitas ethica”. Kant on lawfulness as universal practical principle 

13-50-14.35: Joel Klein (Federal University of Parana)

                      External coercion and the obligation of right

14-35-15.05: Coffee

                      Panel 2: Spontaneity, Consciousness and Conscience

Chair: Pierpaolo Betti (KU Leuven)

15.05-15.50: Lucia Volonté (JGU Mainz)

                     Transcendental freedom and the spontaneity of thinking in the pre-critical Kant

15.50-16.35: Johannes Nickl (University of St Andrews)

                     Conscience and the fact of reason. Making the moral law first-personal

16.35-17.05: Coffee

17.05-18.20: Keynote 1

Chair: Luis Fellipe Garcia (KU Leuven)

                     Inga Römer (Université Grenoble Alpes)

                     What does critical moral philosophy mean for transcendental philosophy? Reflections on Kant’s Opus postumum

Respondent: Henny Blomme (Université libre de Bruxelles)

19.00:          Conference Dinner: TBA


Friday, June 2

12.00-13.00: Lunch

                     Panel 3: Moral Duties

Chair: Henny Blomme (Université libre de Bruxelles)

13.00-13.45: Christopher Fremaux (University of Scranton)

                     Acting from duty and the form of virtue: The Crusian character of Kant’s moral philosophy

13.45-14.30: Laurenz Ramsauer (University of Chicago)

                     Kant’s derivation of imperatives of duty

14.30-15.00: Coffee

                     Panel 4: Progress and Hope

Chair: TBA

15.00-15.45: Laura Papish (George Washington University)

                     Kant’s revised account of hope in Human Progress

15.45-16.30: Roey Reichert (University of California Los Angeles)

                     Kant’s anthropological time: The aeonic view of humanity and the Weltrepublik

16.30-17.15: Leonard Weiss (University of Sheffield)

                     Kant on the end of philosophy 

17.15-17.35: Coffee

17.35-18.50: Keynote 2

Chair: Pavel Reichl (KU Leuven)

                     Márcio Suzuki (University of São Paulo)

                     Reflex action and transcendental aesthetics. Kant and the physiology of his time

Respondent: Paola Rumore (Università degli Studi di Torino)

19.00            Drinks


Saturday, June 3

12.00-13.00: Lunch

                     Panel 5: Theoretical Philosophy 

Chair: Stephen Howard (KU Leuven)

13.00-13.45: Arnaud Pelletier (Université libre de Bruxelles)

                     Facing the Leibnizians: Kant and the replies to On a Discovery

13.45-14.30: Rodrigo Zanette de Araujo (University of Milan)

                     Kant’s negative account of the In-Itself

14.30-15.15: Manja Kisner (Radboud University)

                     From an architectonic to a generative account of a system 

15.15-15.45: Coffee

                     Panel 6: Right and Possession

Chair: Luciano Perulli (KU Leuven)

15.45-16.30: Elisabeth Widmer (University of Oslo)

                     Kant on citizenship: A revised ‘economic dependency’ reading

16.30-17.15: Veronica Cibotaru (KU Leuven)

                     The question of the moral right of selling our own body from a Kantian perspective

17.15-17.35: Coffee

17.35-18.50: Keynote 3

Chair: Arnaud Pelletier (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

                      Luca Fonnesu (Università degli Studi di Pavia)

                      Forms of knowing and forms of believing in Kant’s critical philosophy

Respondent: Andrew Chignell (Princeton University)

18.50:            Concluding Remarks


Registration is free but obligatory at this link. Refreshments and lunches are free as well.
The Zoom link for all sessions will be sent by email closer to the date of the conference.

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