We are glad to give notice of the release of the new issue of Universa. Recensioni di Filosofia.
Universa. Recensioni di filosofia is the online journal of the PhD course in Philosophy at the University of Padova.
Universa is meant as a space of scientific information and debate on editorial news in the field of philosophy, while serving as a formative activity for PhD students, which are at the same time authors, editors and referees of the journal. Universa is also intended as a service to the scientific community, aimed at the creation of a database of reviews of books of strong philosophical interest, through the widest and most diverse range of themes and topics and accessible online, publicly and free of any charge.
The journal collects reviews of recently published philosophical books, both Italian and foreign.
The new issue contains 17 reviews from the most various fields of research, including political philosophy and theoretical philosophy, classical German philosophy, history of science and history of philosophy (in particular, contemporary philosophy, Renaissance philosophy and medieval philosophy), moral philosophy and aesthetics.
The languages of the journal are Italian and English.
Universa. Recensioni di filosofia is published by Padova University Press.
Here is the summary of the issue, with links to individual contents:
Giorgio Agamben, Stasis. La guerra civile come paradigma politico. Homo sacer II, 2
pages 7-11.
Abū Ḥayyān al-Tawḥīdī – Abū ʿAlī Miskawayh, Il libro dei cammelli errabondi e di quelli che li radunano
pages 12-15.
Cinzia Arruzza, A Wolf in the City. Tyranny and the Tyrant in Plato’s Republic
pages 16-20.
Jean-Michel Chaumont, Survivre à tout prix? Essai sur l’honneur la résistance et le salut de nos âmes
pages 21-25.
Lorraine Daston, Against Nature
pages 26-29.
Daniel C. Dennett, Dai Batteri a Bach. Come Evolve la Mente
pages 30-35.
Raphael Ebgi, Voluptas, La filosofia del piacere nel giovane Marsilio Ficino (1457-1469)
pages 36-40.
Johann G. Fichte, Meditazioni personali sulla filosofia elementare
pages 41-44.
Wes Furlotte, The Problem of Nature in Hegel’s Final System
pages 45-49.
Ágnes Heller, Was ist komisch? Kunst, Literatur, Leben und die unsterbliche Komödie
pages 50-53.
Ronan Le Roux, Une histoire de la cybernétique en France (1948-1975)
pages 54-59.
Øystein Linnebo, Philosophy of mathematics
pages 60-65.
Cecile Malaspina, An Epistemology of Noise
pages 66-71.
Dan Zahavi, Husserl’s Legacy. Phenomenology, Metaphysics and Transcendental Philosophy
pages 82-87.
Catherine H. Zuckert, Machiavelli’s Politics
pages 88-92.
Libri ricevuti 8-1
pages 93-94.