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New Release: «Crisis & Critique» 8 (2), 2021

We are glad to give notice of the release of the new issue of «Crisis & Critique» 8 (2), 2021, edited by Agon Hamza and Frank Ruda.


Below you can find the Table of Contents:


Introduction: Agon Hamza and Frank Ruda, Hegel and the Philosophy of Right after 200 years 

Stefania Achella, The Right of the Body: Hegel on Corporeity and Law

Andreas Arndt, Conceptual Thought as Critique: Remarks on Hegel and Marx

Judith Butler, Why Read Hegel Now?

Peter E. Gordon, “Beyond the Sphere of All Manufactured Things”: Reflections on Hegel’s Idea of the State

Oliver Feltham, From the Split Between Society and Nature Towards a Concept of Socio-Natural Ropes

Ethan Foore, The Actualization of Freedom

Andrew Haas, The Right to Implication

Adrian Johnston, Capitalism’s Implants: A Hegelian Theory of Failed Revolutions

Kojin Karatani, Science of Spirit

Jean-François Kervégan, Hegel’s Double Anthropology: Anthropological Dimensions of the Theory of Sittlichkeit

Zdravko Kobe, Keine Frau muss müssen? Hegel in the Time of MeToo

Todd McGowan, The State of Capital: Hegel’s Critique of Bourgeois Society

Jean Luc Nancy, The Philosophy of Right/ Hegel at 250

Emmanuel Nakamura, The Rabble and Its Constitution

Frederick Neuhouser, Hegel’s Project of Comprehending Social Life

Angelica Nuzzo, Changing the World of Spirit in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right

Terry Pinkard, Should Hegelian Political Philosophy Jettison the Absolute? Hegel’s Political Philosophy Two-hundred Years Later

Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuhback, The Right and Wrongs of the Universal – Reading Notes on Hegel’s Philosophy of Right

Christoph Schuringa, Marx’s Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right

Ludwig Siep, A “Transformative” Reading of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right?

Klaus Vieweg, Right and Duty in Hegel – Restrictions of Freedom?

Rocío Zambrana, Hegelian History Interrupted

Slavoj Žižek, A Short Note on Hegel and the Exemplum of Christ

Catherine Malabou, Interview with Robert Pippin: The Actuality of Hegel

Robert Pippin, Interview with Catherine Malabou: New Directions in Hegelianism

Notes on Contributors


For further information and to access the contributions, please visit the publisher’s website.

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