new releases

New Release: D. Breazeale, D.W. Wood (eds.), «Fichteana» (no. 22, 2022)

We are glad to give notice of the release of the new Issue of «Fichteana. Review of J.G. Fichte Research» (no. 22, 2022) edited by D. Breazeale and D.W. Wood.

From the text’s editorial introduction:

Welcome to FICHTEANA, an overview of recent research on Johann Gottlieb Fichte and the Wissenschaftslehre. It contains details about Fichte editions, publications, conferences, events, and Calls for Papers. FICHTEANA was launched by Daniel Breazeale in 1993 as an occasional newsletter of the North American Fichte Society (NAFS). All the back issues 1-21 are available to read on our website: The present issue 22 appears in an expanded form with book reviews, as well as a new subtitle: Review of J.G. Fichte Research. 
As mentioned, a new element of FICHTEANA 22 is the inclusion of book reviews. FICHTEANA is henceforth divided into three sections.
Section One is devoted to reviews of new editions of J.G. Fichte’s works. The first review is of Daniel Breazeale’s volume of translations – Foundation of the Entire Wissenschaftslehre and Related Writings (1794-95). This edition is reviewed by Gabriel Gottlieb, Co-Director of the North American Fichte Society. Next is a review by Antonella Carbone of an Italian translation of Fichte’s 1794 lectures on the vocation of the scholar: La mission del dotte, an edition translated and edited by Elena Alessiato. Third is David W. Wood’s review of the German Studienausgabe of Fichte’s 1812 lectures on transcendental logic. Section Two contains six reviews of recent books on Fichte. Matthew Nini opens this section by reviewing the mammoth Bloomsbury Handbook of Fichte, edited by Marina F. Bykova, which presents essays by several dozen contemporary Fichte scholars. Next is Suzanne Dürr’s comprehensive look at Dieter Henrich’s Dies Ich, das viel besagt. Fichtes Einsicht nachdenken – his final published statement on Fichte. This is followed by Kienhow Goh’s review of the volume of collected essays, Fichte’s System of Ethics: A Critical Guide, edited by Stefano Bacin and Owen Ware. Giacomo Gambaro then provides an overview of an Italian-language work on transcendental philosophy by Gaetano Rametta, Take Five: Cinque contributi su Fichte e la filosofia trascendentale. While Circé Furtwängler has reviewed Laurent Guyot’s monograph in French, La philosophie de Fichte. Lastly, Elise Frketich reviews Reinhold and Fichte in Confrontation: A Tale of Mutual Appreciation and Criticism, edited by Martin Bondeli and Silvan Imhof. Section Three is the Bulletin, well-known to readers of FICHTEANA. It contains a detailed bibliography of recent Fichte publications, as well as information about different Fichte societies and associations from around the globe, conferences, CFPs, translations in progress, and PhDs defended on Fichte. For supplying information and for assistance in putting this issue together, our thanks go to Selda Salman, Gesa Wellmann, Laure Cahen-Maurel, Sina Siahpoosh, Gabriel Gottlieb, Benjamin Crowe, and Rory Phillips. We are grateful to the members of our advisory board for their support, and particularly thankful to our associate editor, Kienhow Goh, for his wonderful editorial work. Finally, we are indebted to all the reviewers who wrote reviews for this first expanded issue of FICHTEANA. By providing accounts in English of not just English-language publications but also of books that appeared in Italian, German, and French, they have provided us with a welcome, in-depth overview of the present state of international Fichte research. In future issues of FICHTEANA we hope to have reviews of Fichte books that are published in other languages as well.

The volume is available at this link.

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