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New Release: «Hegel Bulletin» 44 (1), 2023: “Hegel and Teleology”

New Release: «Hegel Bulletin» 44 (1), 2023: "Hegel and Teleology" 1

We are glad to give notice of the release of the new issue of the «Hegel Bulletin» 44 (1), 2023, dedicated to Hegel and Teleology. Guest editors of the volume are Edgar Maraguat and James Kreines.


Table of contents:


Michael Inwood (1944–2021)
Robert Stern


Hegel’s Circles: Self-Surprise in the Subjective Logic
Andreja Novakovic

Hegel on Market Laws and External Teleology
Charlotte Baumann

Between Chemism and Life: Is Hegel’s Teleology Misplaced?
Emre Ebeturk

Teleology and Basic Actions: A reading of the chapter on Teleology in Hegel’s Subjective Logic in the terms of action theory
Maximilian Scholz

Exploring the Metaphysics of Hegel’s Racism: The Teleology of the ‘Concept’ and the Taxonomy of Races
Daniel James and Franz Knappik

Hegel’s Case for Means and Ends: The Logic of ‘Teleology’
Edgar Maraguat

Mechanism, External Purposiveness, and Object Individuation: from Mechanism to Teleology in Hegel’s Science of Logic
Karen Koch

Contra Teleology: Hegel on Subjective and Objective Purpose
Kevin Thompson

External or Intrinsic Purpose—What comes first? On Hegel’s Treatment of Teleology
Christian Spahn

Taking the Teleology of History Seriously: Lessons from Hegel’s Logic
Chen Yang and Christopher Yeomans


GeradGentry and Konstantin Pollok (eds.). The Imagination in German Idealism and Romanticism
Susan Hoffmann

Chong-Fuk Lau刘创馥. A New Interpretation of Hegel黑格 尔新释
Yuqi Xing


Hegel’s Philosophy of Biology? A Programmatic Overview – ADDENDUM
Andrea Gambarotto and Luca Illetterati

For further information, please visit the publisher’s website.

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