new releases

New Release: Susanna Zellini, “Ästhetik der Form. Sprachkritik, Musik und Stil bei Nietzsche und Adorno” (De Gruyter, 2024)

New Release: Susanna Zellini, "Ästhetik der Form" (De Gruyter, 2024)

We are glad to give notice of the release of the volume Ästhetik der Form. Sprachkritik, Musik und Stil bei Nietzsche und Adorno by Susanna Zellini (De Gruyter, 2024).

From the publisher’s website:

The downfall of the systematic philosophies has raised the question of how to reconcile the radical critique of traditional forms of representation with a new need for form. This book compares the thinking of Nietzsche and Adorno along the axes of music, style, and language critique in order to reconstruct an “aesthetics of form” common to both, which proves to be an alternative to conventional twentieth-century philosophies of language.

The Table of Contents is available at this link.



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