
Padua Philosophy Summer School (12-23 September): Philosophical Controversies about Objectivity in Classical German Philosophy and Contemporary Analytic Philosophy

We are glad to announce that a summer school exploring the theme of philosophical disagreement in classical german philosophy and in contemporary analytic philosophy will be held in Padua from the 12th to the 23rd of August.

The event goes under the title of “Philosophical Controversies about Objectivity in Classical German Philosophy and in Contemporary Analytic Philosophy” and it will see the participation of lecturers Andrea Altobrando (Hokkaido University), Pierfrancesco Biasetti (University of Padua), Elisa Caldarola (University of Padua), Massimiliano Carrara (University of Padua), Karin de Boer (KU Leuven), Niklas Hebing (Ruhr Universitaet Bochum), Luca Illetterati (University of Padua), Max Koelbel (University of Barcelona), Teresa Marques (University Pompeu Fabra), Vittorio Morato (University of Padua), Sebastiano Moruzzi (University of Bologna), Michele Palmira (University of Barcelona), Marzia Soavi (Univeristy of Padua), Gabriele Tomasi (University of Padua), Whilhelm Vossenkuhl (LM Universitaet Muenchen), Tomoyuki Yamada (Hokkaido University).

The summer school is organized by Professors Andrea Altobrando and Massimiliano Carrara, and its scientific committee counts Professors Massimiliano Carrara, Tomoyuki Yamada, Luca Illetterati, Andrea Altobrando.

The event’s first two days will be entirely dedicated to introductory classes, addressing the topics of philosophical disagreement and the tools to analyze them. From the third day on, there will be morning classes on disputes concerning objectivity in specific philosophical areas (ontology, metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, philosophy of logic and language, etc.), and afternoon workshops, during which the students will be required to analyze and discuss the disputes introduced during the morning classes.

For more information on the event, please check the summer school’s website and its presentation sheet in pdf.

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