Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group
Workshop: “Mensch und Natur in der klassischen deutschen Philosophie”, Padua\Bochum DAAD Project, Bochum, 22-23 May 2017
hegelpd // May 15, 2017
We are very pleased to announce that the workshop “Mensch und Natur in der klassischen deutschen philosophie” will take place in Bochum on May, 21st-22nd 2017.
The workshop is the first event of a larger joint research project on nature and naturalism involving the Research Center for Classical German Philosophy/Hegel-Archive at the University of Bochum and the Research Group in Clasical German Philosophy at the University of Padua. The project will run throughout 2017-2018 and is fundend by the DAAD.
Organizers: Dr. Luca Corti (Padua), Dr. Johannes-Georg Schülein (Bochum)
Below the program of the workshop, which can also be downloaded here.