

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

New Release: “Russian Journal of Philosophy & Humanities” (Vol.1, 2/2017)

We are pleased to announce the release of the first volume of the Russian Journal of Philosophy & Humanities”. The volume will contain the following contributions:


Daniel Whistler
Abstraction and Utopia in Early German Idealism

Adrian Johnston
Contingency, Pure Contingency – Without Any Further Determination: Modal Categories in Hegelian Logic

Alex Dubilet
Speculation and Infinite Life: Hegel and Meister Eckhart on the Critique of Finitude

Kirill Chepurin
Beginning with Kant: Utopia, Immanence, and the Origin of German Idealism

Frank Ruda
The Beginning of Spirit As We Know It: Hegel’s Mother

Oxana Timofeeva
The Owl and the Angel

Michael O’Neill Burns
Kierkegaard, Fichte and the Subject of Idealism

Dave Mesing
Debordian Strategists: Agamben and Virno on the Coming Politics


You can download the full issue here:

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/new-release-russian-journal-of-philosophy-humanities-vol-1-22017/