

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Conference: “Cultures in translation: a paradigm for Europe” (Belgrade, October 18th-19th)

Conference “Cultures in translation: a paradigm for Europe” (Belgrade, October 18th-19th)

We are glad to give notice of the international conference Cultures in translation: a paradigm for Europe, that will take place at the Italian Cultural Institute in Belgrade on October 18th-19th.

The event is organized by the Italian Cultural Institute in Belgrade and the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory of the University of Belgrade, in collaboration with the UE delegation in Serbia, the EUNIC Serbia, the French Institute, the Goehte Institute, the European network for literature and books Traduki and the Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences of the University of Turin.

The official languages of the conference are English, Italian and Serbian (with simultaneous translation).

The event is free entry, yet advance booking is appreciated (direzione.iicbelgrado@esteri.it).

Below, you can find the complete program of the event, which you can download in PDF version here.

For further information, please visit this link.




Conference “Cultures in translation: a paradigm for Europe”

Culture in traduzione: un paradigma per l’Europa

Kulture u prevodu: paradigma za Evropu

18-19 October 2017, Belgrade




18 October 2017

9.00-10.00 registration of participants


Opening  10.00-10.30

Petar Bojanić, IFDT

Davide Scalmani, IIC

Irena Fiket, IFDT

I         Translatability and Untranslatables: Examples and Reflections


Moderator: Miloš Ćipranić


10.30-11.00 Snežana Milinković, University of Belgrade, Professor of Italian literature and translator: Tradurre è impossibile ma necessario language: Italian

11.00-11.30 Annette Đurović, University of Belgrade: Od „Personenkennzahl“-a do „Personenkennziffer“-a ili Put između raspada dva sistema u budućnost language: Serbian

11.30-12.00 Deja Piletić, University of Montenegro: I dottori del triennio – doktori trogodišnjih studija? Le sfide della traduzione giurata dall’italiano in montenegrino e viceversa language: Italian

12.00-12.30 discussion

II      Philosophy in Translation: Translation as a Philosophical Problem


Moderator: Saša Hrnjez


14.00-14.30 Luca Illetterati, University of Padova, Professor of Theoretical Philosophy: Animali che traducono language: Italian

14.30-15.00 Adriana Zaharijević, IFDT, Member of Association of Literary Translators of Serbia: Prevođenje filozofije: slučaj pojma agency language: Serbian

15-15.30 discussion

15.30-16.00 Gaetano Chiurazzi, University of Torino, Professor of Theoretical Philosophy: La storicità della traduzione language: Italian

16.00-16.30 Zdravko Kobe, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia: Traduzione e trasformazione language: Italian

16.30-17.00  discussion


Day 2

19 October 2017

III      Translation, Interculturality and European Identity


Moderator: Carlo Burelli


9.30-10.00 Aleksandra Mančić, Senior Research Associate – Institute for Literature and Arts, Belgrade and translator – Member of Association of Literary Translators of Serbia: Translation as Intercultural Practice and its Relevance for the Future of Europe language: Serbian

10.00-10.30 Silvana Borutti, Pavia, Professor of Theoretical Philosophy: L’antropologia e la traduzione come modello della comunicazione interculturale language: Italian

10.30-11.00 discussion

11.00-11.30 Đurđa Trajković, IFDT: Madness of Pierre Menard: Power of the Untranslatable language: English

11.30-12.00 Michael Oustinoff, literary critic and theorist of translation, Professor at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France: Globalization and the Translation of Imaginaries

12.00-12.30 Olimpia Giuliana Loddo, The Center for Advanced Studies – Southeast Europe (CAS SEE) Rijeka, University of Cagliari: Translating written norms into normative pictures language: English

12.30-13.30 discussion

IV     Actuality of Translation – Translation as Activity


Moderator: Davide Pala


14.30-15.00 Gojko Božović, Arhipelag, Belgrade: Izazovi savremenog prevođenja i savremenog izdavaštva language: Serbian

15.00-15.30 Mirna Zelić Pokaz, Head of Croatian Language Department, DGT EC: Translating for the European Commission language: English

15.30-16.00 Katja Stergar, Slovenian Book Agency JAK/Traduki / Antje Contius, S. Fischer Stiftung/Traduki: Traduki’s work and implications language: English

16.00-16.30 discussion

16.30-17.00 Conclusion of the conference

Davide Scalmani, IIC

Jean-Baptiste Cuzin, EUNIC Serbia, Institut français


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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/conference-cultures-in-translation-a-paradigm-for-europe-belgrade-october-18th-19th/