

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

2nd CFA: “Kant and the Contemporary World: Philosophy, Science, Politics” (Catania, 11-13 October, 2018)

We are glad to announce that the new deadline to submit an abstract for the 8th Edition of the Multilateral Kant Colloquium on the topic Kant and the Contemporary World: Philosophy, Science, Politics is now February 11th. The Colloquium will be held at the University of Catania on October 11-13, 2018.




Multilateral Kant Colloquium

with the support of SISK – Società Italiana di Studi Kantiani

Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Catania

October 11-13, 2018


Scholars from all over the world will be involved in presentations and discussions of the most up-to-date research on Kant’s philosophy. With the support of the Società Italiana di Studi Kantiani, the conference is part of an annual initiative started in 2008 by an international group of scholars keen on promoting informed debate on the latest developments of Kant scholarships. The current edition aims at highlighting the relevance of Kantian thought with respect to the contemporary world, which becomes increasingly acknowledged in a wide number of issues crosscutting both the theoretical and practical sides of his work.

The Colloquium is addressed to scholars at an advanced stage of their career as well as junior researchers with an interest in Kantian philosophy. Participants will find the ideal context for high quality feedback on their ongoing work and challenging discussions. Over three days, the conference will be structured around 10 invited talks and presentations selected through a call for papers.


The theme of the Colloquium is to be intended in the broadest possible sense, as involving any aspect of Kant’s philosophy with an impact on issues debated in contemporary philosophy and science, as well as relevant for the most pressing political problems of our time.

The official language is English, but participants can submit and present their papers in Italian, German, Portuguese, Spanish or French. If papers are not written in English, an English version of the texts should be made available at the moment of the presentation. An international committee chaired by Prof. Luigi Caranti will select the papers.

Abstracts from scholars at an advanced stage of their career as well as junior researchers should be prepared for blind review and be confined between 600 and 800 words. Contact information should be sent in a separate file.

Each presentation will last 30 minutes, followed by 15 minutes for questions and debate.


Please send abstracts to: denise.celentano@ehess.fr.

Deadline for submission: February 11th, 2018

Notice of acceptance: March 1st, 2018


Director: Prof. Luigi Caranti (University of Catania, Italy)

Coordinators: Nunzio Alì (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil), Denise Celentano (University of Catania & École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, France)

Further information at this link.

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/2nd-cfa-kant-and-the-contemporary-world-philosophy-science-politics-catania-11-13-october-2018/