

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Workshop: Happy Birthday Karl! (Louvain-La-Neuve, February 26th 2018)

We are glad to announce the one-day conference on Marx’ intellectual legacy organized by the Hoover Chair for economic and social ethics, which will take place in Louvain-La-Neuve (Belgium) on February 26th 2018.
You can find the complete program of the workshop below.
For the free registration write to: louis.larue@uclouvain.be
For further information, please, click here.


Happy Birthday Karl!
Hoover Workshop in Economics & Philosophy #2
26 février 2018 – Salle Oleffe, Place de L’Université, 1, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique
Contact: Louis Larue et Olivier Malay

10h Accueil
10h20 Introduction
10h30 Le marché peut-il être juste? (Louis Larue, UCL & Chaire Hoover)
11h10 The legacy of Marx in Poland: what impact on the emergence of left-wing parties? (Agathe Osinski, UCL & LP Transition)
11h50 Les groupes désavantagés et le privilège épistémique (Katarina Pitasse Fragoso, UCL & Chaire Hoover)
12h30 Repas de midi
14h La fin de la croissance économique, c’est la fin de la social-démocratie? (Olivier Malay, UCL & Chaire Hoover)
14h40 Le fétichisme de la concertation sociale (Nic Gorz, ULB & Solvay Business School)
15h20 Pause
15h40 L’idéologie, camera obscura ou langage de la vie réelle? (Sébastien Antoine, UCL Mons & LAAP)
16h20 Marxisme, justice et normativité : que faire de la philosophie après Marx ? (Jean Matthys, UCL, FNRS & CPDR)
17h Conclusion



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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/workshop-happy-birthday-karl-louvain-la-neuve-february-26th-2018/