

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

CFA: Aufhebung: Intérpretes de Hegel (Sobral, 23-24 April 2017)

We are glad to announce the national conference Aufhebung: Intérpretes de Hegel, which will take place in the Auditório Central do Campus Betânia, Sobral, Ceará, Brazil on 23th and 24th of April 2018.

The Laboratório de Estudos Hegelianos and the graduate program in Philosophy of the Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú will promote the national conference on Aufhebung: Intérpretes de Hegel.


Call for Papers

A call for paper is open until 15th April. Send your abstract to the following email address: leh.aufhebung@hotmail.com

The text (no more than 500 words) must include: 1) title of the talk, 2) name of the author, 3) affiliation, 4) the abstract, 5) three key words

Notification of acceptance will be sent by April 16th and the papers will be published as abstract in the journal Revista Eros (http://www.uvanet.br/helius/index.php/eros/index).


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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/cfa-aufhebung-interpretes-de-hegel-sobral-23-24-april-2017/