

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Materials: G. Miolli, “Pensare il vero. L’emancipazione come ‘appartenenza’ al pensiero: l’esempio hegeliano”, (Pólemos 1/2017)

We are glad to share the article by Giovanna Miolli (University of Padova) “Pensare il vero. L’emancipazione come ‘appartenenza’ al pensiero: l’esempio hegeliano” (Thinking Truth. Emancipation as Belonging to Thought: the Example of Hegel). The article is published in Pólemos. Materiali di filosofia e critica sociale 1/2017,  pp. 102 – 119, in a Special Issue dedicated to the topic ‘Emancipation’, edited by M. Biscuso and J. M. H. Mascat.

Here below you can find the abstract of the article (in English).

The article is aimed at exploring in which sense the emancipation of the subject might be intended as the capacity of “thinking the true” in virtue of its belonging to thought. This topic is tackled with particular reference to Hegel’s philosophy and to his conception of truth. The argument is composed of three parts. The first part is an attempt to clarify what freedom of thought (as objective thought) amounts to, and what means for a subject to think freely, by referring to process of constitution of truth. The second part is focused on the Hegelian conception of the true as subject. Two related  issues are addressed here: the relation between form and content of truth, and the conception of the true as the identity of truth and certainty. In the very last part the notion of certainty is at stake: certainty is shaped as a key concept of Modernity, from which Hegel tries to eradicate the subjectivistic part and that he tries to integrate in the process of constitution of the speculative Truth. The self-overcoming of consciousness, in which  subjective certainty is sublated, is an example of emancipation, intended as the realization of the belonging to thought and to its freedom.


The full version of the article (in Italian) can be downloaded here.






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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/materials-g-miolli-pensare-il-vero-lemancipazione-come-appartenenza-al-pensiero-lesempio-hegeliano-polemos-1-2017/