

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Conference/CFP: “Contemporary Relevance of Hegelian Naturalism: Philosophical and Interdisciplinary Outcomes” (Parma, June 19-21 2019)

We are very pleased to give notice that the International Conference Contemporary Relevance of Hegelian Naturalism: Philosophical and Interdisciplinary Outcomes will be held at the University of Parma on June 19-21, 2019.

The conference will take place at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences (DUSIC), via M. D’Azeglio 85, Parma.

Below, you can find more information about the conference and the complete text of the call for papers.


Confirmed keynote speakers:

Alison Stone (Lancaster University)
Catherine Malabou (Kingston University, London)
Heikki Ikäheimo (University of New South Wales)
Christopher Yeomans (Purdue University, Indiana)
Emmanuel Renault (Université Paris Nanterre)
Sebastian Rödl (Universität Leipzig)
Luca Illetterati (Università di Padova)
Arvi Särkelä (Universität Luzern)
Luca Corti (Università di Padova)
Mario De Caro (Università di Roma Tre)

The conference will address interdisciplinary issues connected to a naturalistic reading of Hegelian thought, with special reference to the social sciences, neurosciences, biology and philosophy of biology. Hegel’s philosophy is in fact devoted to a revision of the transcendental philosophy by highlighting that thinking and cognition originate from the natural requisites of the subject. In this sense, his philosophy entails a novel naturalism accounting for the concrete interdependence between nature and thinking, life and mind, and enhancing our understanding of the human nature and its social outcomes. This version of naturalism not only has relevance for the contemporary philosophical debate on this category of thinking, it can also be elaborated through an interdisciplinary approach.

What is Hegelian naturalism about, and why is it philosophically relevant? Can Hegel’s philosophy improve our understanding on topics related to different disciplines? Is a dialogue between Hegelian thinking and the previous mentioned disciplines methodologically possible?

In order to answer those questions, the conference will gather Hegelian scholars and researchers from different disciplines.


Call for Papers

We will appreciate contributions focusing on the following topics:

1) Relevant Hegelian topics discussed from an interdisciplinary perspective:

Hegel’s conception of spirit and naturalism
Free will and philosophy of action
The role of the notion of life in Hegel’ philosophy
Social recognition
Embodied cognition
Hegel’s philosophy and the natural sciences
Philosophy of right
Social labor and the economic sphere

2) Interdisciplinary aspects connected to:

Social sciences
Mind-body problem
The relation between life and mind
Biology and philosophy of biology
Evolutionary psychology
Cognitive and brain sciences

Submission Guideline

Abstracts of about 200 words prepared for blind review should be sent before April 15ht 2019 to: hegnat.project@gmail.com

Acceptance will be notified by May 10th.

There are no registration fees, but contributed speakers will have to cover their travel and staying costs by themselves.

Scientific Organization: Guido Seddone (Georgetown University and University of Parma); Italo Testa (University of Parma).

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/conference-cfp-contemporary-relevance-of-hegelian-naturalism-philosophical-and-interdisciplinary-outcomes-university-of-parma-june-19th-21st-2019/