We are glad to give notice that a call for papers of the international journal Con-Textos Kantianos on the topic “Kant’s Cosmopolitanism. Tradition and Perspectives” is now open.
Deadline: July 1st, 2019.
You can find the text of the call below.
The journal Con-Textos Kantiano. International Journal of philosophy is preparing a special issue on the theme “Kant’s Cosmopolitanism. Tradition and Perspectives.” The editor, Angelo Cicatello (University of Palermo, Italy), invites submissions on the following topics: Cosmic Philosophy, Teleology of Reason, Human Destination, Cosmopolitan Right, Hospitality, Ethical Community.
Articles should be submitted by July 1st, 2019 to the following e-mail address: contextoskantianos@gmail.com.
They should be prepared for blind review and should have a length between 5000-10.000 words. All submissions must be in Word formats. A separate cover letter should also be submitted with the following details: name, institutional affiliation, contact information.
Further information can be found at this link.