

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

New Release: «Pólemos» (2/2017-1/2018): “German Idealism and the Social Question” (I-II)

We are pleased to give notice of the release of the new issue of Pólemos. Materials of philosophy and social criticism devoted to the topic “German Idealism and the Social Question”. The issue is divided in two volumes (2/2017-1/2018) and edited by Nane Cantatore and Sabina Tortorella.

Below you can find the table of contents of the two volumes.


German Idealism and the Social Question (I)
(2/2017, December)

Nane Cantatore and Sabina Tortorella, Presentation

Domenico Losurdo, Hegel, Marx and the Ontology of the Social Being
Emmanuel Renault, Hegel and the History as a Process

Gilles Marmasse, Hegel and the Question of Responsibility
Giulia Battistoni, Beyond Causality: A Reinterpretation of Hegel’s Concept of Tat in the Question of the Responsibility and Imputation

Simone Tarli, The I on the way to the New Mythology. Aesthetic Intuition as the Origin of Objectification in Schelling’s System of Transcendental Idealism
David Sommer, Fichte, Herder, and Condillac on Language and the Social Cultivation of Reason
Nane Cantatore, Bildung and Citizeship. Hegelian Philosophical Propaedeutics as a Political Programme
Guillaume Durieux, Hegel Critic of Rousseau. The Question of the Realism of the Political Body

Lea Ypi, From Revelation to Revolution: The Critique of Religion in Kant and Marx

Book Review
Giada Scotto, J.-F. Kervégan, La Raison des Normes. Essai sur Kant
Fulvia Giachetti, G. Frilli, Ragione, desiderio e artificio. Hegel e Hobbes a confronto


German Idealism and the Social Question (II)
(1/2018, June)

Nane Cantatore and Sabina Tortorella, Presentation

Lucio Cortella, Freedom Within History and Freedom from History. The Unsolved Questions of the Objective Spirit
Marcello Musté, Dialectic and Civil Society. Gramsci as «Reader» of Hegel

Terry Pinkard, Hegelian Equality as Inseparable from Freedom
M. Blake Wilson, Personhood and Property in Hegel’s Conception of Freedom

Christoph Hanisch, Kant’s Jurisprudence: Beyond Natural Law and Legal Positivism
Tommaso Morawski, The Global Sense of the Place. A Kantian Perspective on the Relationship between Place, Identity and Culture
Élodie Djordjevic, Practical Sense and Normativeness: Hegel and Bourdieu
Frédéric Monferrand, Beyond the Recognition. Recognition, Work and Reciprocal Action in Hegel’s Social Ontology
Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod, Coming back on the Recognition in Hegel: A Feminist Perspective

Jean-François Kervégan, The State after Hegel: Social Abolition of Politics?

Book Review
Valeria Cesaroni, I. Testa e L. Ruggiu (edited by), I That is We, We That is I. Perspectives on Contemporary Hegel
Giuliana Scotto, A. Cukier e O. Gaudin (a cura di), Le Sens du Social, Philosophie et Sociologie
Chiara Di Marco, D. Baranger, Penser la Loi. Essai sur le Législateur des Temps Modernes


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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/new-release-polemos-2-2017-1-2018-german-idealism-and-the-social-question-i-ii/