

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

CONFERENCE: “Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi. Historical and Theoretical Perspectives” (Rome, 10-11 October; Florence, 24-25 October 2019)

We are pleased to give notice of the international conference: Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi. Historical and Theoretical Perspectives, that will be held 10-11 October 2019 at the La Sapienza University of Rome (Fondazione Giovanni Gentile per gli Studi filosofici), and 24-25 October 2019 at the University of Florence (Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia, sala Altana).

Below you can find the description, the programme and the flyer of the event.


On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi’s death (Munich, 10th of March 1819), the Philosophy Departments of La Sapienza University of Rome and of the University of Florence are promoting an international research conference on a key figure of classical German philosophy. Recent scholarly literature on Jacobi, supported by the new critical edition of his works and letters, has finally dismantled the old prejudicial image of a mystical thinker; his philosophy of faith has been convincingly revaluated as an original and insightful contribution to post-Kantian critical rationalism; and Jacobi’s influence over his own age has been shown to have largely surpassed that of an unwitting populariser of Spinozism. The conference aims at furnishing fresh tools to consolidate this reappraisal, by exploring the historical impact of Jacobi’s ideas and their theoretical richness. It will be articulated into two distinct sections; in both occasions, younger researchers will expose their papers alongside important Italian and foreign Jacobian scholars.




Rome, Fondazione Giovanni Gentile per gli Studi filosofici (Fondazione Roma Sapienza)

10 October 

14.30 – Pierluigi Valenza – Welcome greetings

15.00 – 19.00 – First session, Chair: M. Ivaldo

Ives Radrizzani (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München): La crisi dell’Aufklärung e l’accusa di ateismo – Jacobi con o contro Fichte

Stefania Achella (University of Chieti-Pescara): Filosofia e vita. Un confronto fra Hegel e Jacobi

Simone Tarli (Sapienza University of Rome): I problemi del criticismo. Il saggio di Jacobi e Köppen nei Beyträge di Reinhold

Pierluigi Valenza (Sapienza University of Rome): Naturalismo e teismo. Un bilancio jacobiano sull’idealismo tedesco

11 October 

10.00 – 13.00 – Seconda sessione, Chair: F. V. Tommasi

Ariberto Acerbi (Pontifical University of the Santa Croce): Osservazioni sulla lettura jacobiana di Platone

Federica Pitillo (Sapienza University of Rome – FSU Jena): Senso, linguaggio e assoluto. Il giovane Hegel in discussione con Jacobi

Irene Kajon (Sapienza University of Rome): Fede come sapere immediato o come fiducia. Leo Strauss e Martin Buber interpreti di Jacobi


Florence, Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia, sala Altana

24 October

14.30 Gianluca Garelli – Welcome greetings

15.00 – 19.00 – First session, Chair: P. Valenza

Birgit Sandkaulen (Ruhr-Universität Bochum): Was heißt es, ein “priviligierter Ketzer” zu sein?

Roberto Morani (University of Florence): Jacobi, Hegel e il nichilismo

Serena Feloj (University of Pavia): Mendelssohn and Jacobi: an analysis of the Spinozismusstreit from reason and sensibility

Guido Frilli (University of Florence): Jacobi on Language: a Re-examination

25 October 

10.00 – 13.00 – Second session, Chair: M. Farina

Marco Ivaldo (Federico II University of Naples): Sul teismo: Jacobi versus Schelling

Paolo Livieri (McGill University): Nichilismo e Rivelazione in F. H. Jacobi

Giuseppe D’Anna (Università Cattolica – Milan): Idealismo e realismo in Jacobi


Organizing committee:
Guido Frilli (University of Florence)
Federica Pitillo (Sapienza University of Rome- FSU Jena)
Simone Tarli (Sapienza University of Rome)

Scientific Committee:
Prof. Gianluca Garelli (University of Florence)
Prof. Marco Ivaldo (Federico II University of Naples)
Prof. Pierluigi Valenza (Sapienza University of Rome)

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/conference-friedrich-henrich-jacobi-radici-e-prospettive-di-un-pensiero-roma-10-11-october-firenze-24-25-october-2019/