We are glad to give notice that a call for papers of Sofia on the Classical German Philosophy is open.
The deadline for the submission is March 20, 2020.
You can find the text of the call below.
Sofia (ISSN: 2317-2339), Qualis B1, is the academic journal of the Postgraduate Program in Philosophy of the Federal University of Espírito Santo. In occasion of the II Seminar of German Classical Philosophy, held at the Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso from 14th to 16th August 2019, Sophia is opening a call for papers on Classical German Philosophy. The selected papers, together with some of the papers presented at the II Seminar of German Classical Philosophy, will be published in a thematic volume on Classical German Philosophy (from Leibniz to Hegel) due to be published in June 2020. Articles that deal with exegetic issues, but also with contemporary interpretations, and the analysis of classical concepts and authors of German philosophy dealing with contemporary issues will be accepted. Translations and reviews will also be accepted.
The texts can be in Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, English, French or German.
The deadline for receipt of papers is March 20, 2020.
Submissions must be made through the website.
Dossier “German Classical Philosophy”
Guest editors: Adriano Bueno Kurle, Mario Spezzapria and Michela Bordignon.
Contact: adrianobk@gmail.com.