

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Talk: Carla Milani Damião (Universidade Federal de Goiás): “The Memory Of Oneself And The World” (Padova, February 5th 2020)

Siamo liete e lieti di comunicare che il 5 febbraio 2020, all’interno del ciclo di lezioni “Temi e problemi della filosofia classica tedesca”, la Prof.ssa Carla Milani Damião  (Universidade Federal de Goiás) presenterà una relazione dal titolo The Memory Of Oneself And The World. Autobiographical Narratives And Historical Time In The Search For The Presentation Of Truth In Goethe And Benjamin.

La lezione, interna al Corso di Dottorato di Ricerca in Filosofia, si svolgerà a partire dalle ore 15:00 presso il Dipartimento di Filosofia, Sociologia, Pedagogia e Psicologia Applicata (FISPPA) dell’Università degli Studi di Padova (Sala Stefanini, Piazza Capitaniato, 3).



This presentation is based on a research already developed concerning one of the projects announced by Benjamin, which aimed to compare Les Confessions of Rousseau with the Journal of André Gide. The result of Benjamin’s project was to point out the decline of a social character based on ‘sincerity’. It is possible to verify that sincerity is not a vigorous theme in the German tradition, which is evident in reading Benjamin’s autobiographical writings. As for Goethe, in Dichtung und Wahrheit, there is a greater commitment to showing the past history. Fidelity, with the presentation of a certain moment of past history, became their major intention. I aim to show that sincerity appears as a pretentious “fidelity of oneself”, to be deconstructed, and that a special understanding of “historical fidelity” takes place, choosing collective history as the main concern.


Per maggiori informazioni, è possibile rivolgersi ai coordinatori del ciclo di lezioni:

Prof. L. Illetterati: luca.illetterati@unipd.it

Prof.ssa F. Menegoni: francesca.menegoni@unipd.it

Prof. G. Tomasi: gabriele.tomasi@unipd.it


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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/talk-carla-milani-damiao-universidade-federal-de-goias-the-memory-of-oneself-and-the-world-padova-february-5th-2020/