

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

New Release: James Gledhill and Sebastian Stein (eds.), “Hegel and Contemporary Practical Philosophy. Beyond Kantian Constructivism” (Routledge, 2020)

We are very glad to give notice of the release of the book Hegel and Contemporary Practical Philosophy. Beyond Kantian Constructivism, edited by James Gledhill and Sebastian Stein (Routledge, 2020).

From the publisher’s website:

While Kantian constructivism has become one of the most influential and systematic schools of thought in analytic moral and political philosophy, Hegelian approaches to practical normativity hold out the promise of building upon Kantian insights into individual self-determination while avoiding their dualistic tendencies. James Gledhill and Sebastian Stein unite distinguished scholars of German idealism and contemporary Anglophone practical philosophy with rising stars in the field, to explore whether Hegelian idealist philosophy can offer the categories that analytic practical philosophy requires to overcome the contradictions that have so far plagued Kantian constructivism.

The volume organizes the contributions into three parts. The first of these engages debates in metaethics regarding the relationship between realism and constructivism. The second part sees contributors draw on debates about the nature of political normativity, focusing primarily on the problems of historical contextualism, relativism, and critical reflection. The concluding part considers the application of the Hegelian framework to contemporary debates about specific ethical issues, including multiculturalism, democracy, and human rights.

Hegel and Contemporary Practical Philosophy contributes to the on-going debate about the importance of systematic philosophy in the context of practical philosophy, engages with contemporary discussions about the shape of a rational social order, and gauges the timeliness of Hegelian philosophy. This book is a must read for scholars interested in Hegel and in the contemporary tradition of Kantian constructivism in moral and political philosophy.

For further information, please visit the Routledge’s website.


New Release: James Gledhill and Sebastian Stein (eds.), "Hegel and Contemporary Practical Philosophy Beyond Kantian Constructivism" (Routledge, 2020)

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/new-release-james-gledhill-and-sebastian-stein-eds-hegel-and-contemporary-practical-philosophy-beyond-kantian-constructivism-routledge-2020/