

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

New Release: Marina F. Bykova (ed.), “The Bloomsbury Handbook of Fichte” (Bloomsbury, 2020)

We are very glad to give notice of the release of The Bloomsbury Handbook of Fichte, edited by Marina F. Bykova (Bloomsbury, 2020).

From the publisher’s website:

A founding figure of German idealism, Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814) developed a radically new version of transcendental idealism. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Fichte follows his intellectual life and presents a comprehensive overview of Fichte’s dynamic philosophy, from his engagement with Kant to his rigorously systematic and nuanced Wissenschaftslehre and beyond.
Covering a variety of topics and issues in epistemology, ontology, moral and political philosophy, as well as philosophy of right and philosophy of religion, an international team of experts on Fichte explores his important contributions to philosophy. Arranged chronologically, their chapters map Fichte’s intellectual and philosophical development and the progression of his thought, identifying what motivated his philosophical inquiry and revealing why his ideas continue to shape discussions today.
Alongside wide-ranging chapters advancing new insights into Fichte, there are topical discussions of conceptions and issues central to his philosophy. Featuring a chronology of Fichte’s life, as well as a timeline of his publications and lectures, this is an invaluable research resource for all Fichte scholars and a reliable guide for anyone undertaking a study of Fichte and German idealism.


Table of contents

Notes on Contributors
Note on Sources and Key to Abbreviations

Introduction: About the Volume, Its Content, and Structure, Marina F. Bykova

Part I: Fichte in Context and His Path to Transcendental Idealism
1. Fichte’s Life and Rise to Philosophical Prominence, Marina F. Bykova
2. Fichte, Kant, and the Copernican Revolution, Tom Rockmore
3. Fichte’s Reception of Kant’s Critique of Judgement, Sebastian Gardner

Part II: The Jena Period (1794-1799) and the Jena System of Transcendental Idealism
4. The Generation of Intuition and Representation through the Productive Imagination in the 1794/1795 Grundlage, Violetta L. Waibel
5. Freedom’s Body: Fichte’s Account of Nature, Michael G. Vater
6. Fichte’s Philosophy of Right, Gabriel Gottlieb
7. Fichte’s Ethical Theory, Allen W. Wood
8. The Development of Fichte’s Philosophy of Religion, Benjamin D. Crowe

Part III: The Berlin Period (1800-1814) and the Systematic Development of the Transcendental Philosophy
9. Fichte’s Meditations: The Practical Reality of the “Real World” in The Vocation of Man, Matthew C. Altman
10. The Transcendental Spinozism of Fichte’s 1804 Wissenschaftslehre, George Di Giovanni
11. Down by Law: On the Structure of Fichte’s 1805 Wissenschaftslehre, Emiliano Acosta
12. Systematic and Doctrinal Differences in Fichte’s Early and Late Wissenschaftslehre: From the I as Deed-Act to God as Schema, Rainer Schäfer
13. Fichte’s Cosmopolitan Nationalism, David James
14. Freedom, Right, and Law. Fichte’s Late Political Philosophy, Günter Zöller
15. Fichte’s Philosophy of History, Ives Radrizzani
16. Fichte’s Conception of Bildung and His Proposal of University Reform, Marina Bykova

Part IV: Substantive and Interpretative Questions and Key Concepts
17. Wissenschaftslehre, Emiliano Acosta
18. Fichte’s First Principle: Self-Positing and Gambit Normativity, Wayne M. Martin
19. The Three Basic Principles (drei Grundsätze), Steven H. Hoeltzel
20. Transcendental Method, Halla Kim
21. Fact/Act (Tathandlung), Halla Kim
22. Anstoß and Aufforderung (“Check” and “Summons”), Steven H. Hoeltzel
23. The Ambivalence of Language, Ives Radrizzani
24.Intellectual Intuition, C. Jeffery Kinlaw
25.Fichte and Philosophy of Mind, C. Jeffery Kinlaw
26.Freedom, Kienhow Goh
27.Drive (der Trieb), Kienhow Goh
28.Resistance (Widerstehende), Mário Jorge de Carvalho
29.’I,’ ‘You,’ and ‘We.’ Intersubjectivity, Recognition, and Summons, Mário Jorge de Carvalho
30.Deduction of Right, James A. Clarke
31.Separation of Right from Morality, James A. Clarke
32.Are There Any Moral Rights For Fichte?, Nedim Nomer

Part V: The Reception and Influence of Fichte’s Philosophy
33. Fichte and the Emergence of Early German Romanticism, Elizabeth Millán Brusslan
34. Fichte’s Response to Hegel in the Late Wissenschaftslehre, Faustino Fabbianelli
35. Fichte and Phenomenology, Virginia López Domínguez
36.Freedom and the Problem of Others: Fichte and Sartre on Human Freedom and Its Conditions, Arnold L. Farr
37. The Thought of a Principle: Rödl’s Fichteanism, G. Anthony Bruno
38. Fichte and the Contemporary Debate about Speculative Realism, Isabelle Thomas-Fogiel

Part VI: Timeline and Chronology
Notable Dates in Fichte’s Life
Timeline of Fichte’s Publications and Lectures


For more information, please visit the publisher’s website.


New Release: Marina F. Bykova (ed.), “The Bloomsbury Handbook of Fichte” (Bloomsbury, 2020)

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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/new-release-marina-f-bykova-ed-the-bloomsbury-handbook-of-fichte-bloomsbury-2020/