

Classical german philosophy. University of Padova research group

Virtual Conference Series: “Joining the Circle of the System” (8 March-26 April 2021)

We are glad to give notice of the virtual conference series Joining the Circle of the System, which will take place from March 8th to April 26th 2021. The conference is organised by Ahilleas Rokni, Mert Can Yirmibes and Filip Niklas, and is supported by the Hegel Society of Great Britain.

The Conference will be held online and streamed. For links and further information, please visit the conference series website.

Below you can find the programm of the conference.



8th Kevin Thompson (De Paul) Systematicity, Circularity, Syllogism: Hegel on the Question of Closure

15th Dylan Shaul (Toronto) The Absolute Idea and Absolute Spirit: Hegel on the Enjoyment of Philosophy

22nd Miles Hentrup (FGCU) How to Think in a Circle: On the Circularity of Hegel’s System

29th Marc Nicolas Sommer (Basel) ‘Enjoy Thyself!’ –The Architectonics of Hegel’s System


5th Bruna Picas Prats (Barcelona) Rest and Completion in Hegel’s Logic

12th Sebastian Stein (Heidelberg) Hegel’s Notion of Philosophy: The Concept-based Unity of Self-referential Universality and Differentiated Particularity

19th Friedrike Schick (Tübingen) Hegel on the Concept of Philosophy: The Introduction to the Encyclopedia

26th Angelica Nuzzo (CUNY) Hegelian Systematicity: Questions of Beginnings and Questions of Ends



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Article's url: https://www.hegelpd.it/hegel/virtual-conference-series-joining-the-circle-of-the-system-8-march-26-april-2021/